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To celebrate the launch of Fire Emblem Warriors there will be a login bonus for Fire Emblem Heroes where you will be able to login 10 times to receive the orb bonuses. The event lasts from today to November 4th. Also the Genealogy of Light Tempest Trial will be beginning on October 23rd as a reminder and it will go until November 6th.

Miitomo has been updated with more content. Users will find a new stage, along with some brand new items.

“Stars of the petting zoo! Fashion Farm (Sheep)” is the new stage. It includes the following:

– Fluffy sheep (hat)
– Woolly sheep outfit (top)
– Woolly sheep outfit (bottoms)
– Woolly sheep outfit (boots)

And as far as the new items go, you can nab the following:

– Bunny-ear beanie
– Hoodie Dress
– Gradient tights


Following several leaks, Niantic has officially confirmed what’s planned for Pokemon GO to celebrate Halloween.

Sableye, Banette, and a few other Ghost-type Pokemon originally discovered in the Hoenn region will be appearing for the first time ever in Pokemon GO. Additionally, the rest of the Pokemon that were from Pokemon Ruby and Pokemon Sapphire will appear as early as December.

The 5th Tempest Trials event for Fire Emblem Heroes was just announced. This new Tempest Trials event is called Genealogy of Light, and will be live from October 23rd to November 6th.

There is a new Summoning Focus is available now that is tied in with the newest Tempest Trials. It features 5 star versions of Ayra, Eldigan, and Lachesis who will be appering in the Genealogy of Light Tempest Trial.

With the third generation of Pokémon seemingly close to debuting, dataminers Members of The Silph Road have shared code that includes the gender ratios of all third-generation Pokémon, Polygon reports.

Essentially, the gender ratio is mostly identical to the traditional games’ numbers; however, two glaring oversights have been found concerning legendary dragon Pokémon Latios and Latias. Specifically, exclusively male Latios and female counterpart Latias have had their genders flipped in Pokémon Go’s code.

Somehow, Niantic swapped this defining detail within Pokémon Go’s code. Based on what The Silph Road community dug up, Pokémon Go’s Latios is 100 percent female, while Latias is 100 percent male. That probably won’t have any bearing on gameplay — these two Pokémon can’t breed, in-game or in general — but for fans who know their Pokémon biology inside and out, it’s kind of a shocking switch.

We assume this will be fixed before the update goes live.


Fire Emblem Heroes was updated once again with a new Arvis Grand Hero Battle and special map. watch a bit of footage of the content below.

A new update is now available for Pokemon Duel. The mobile game is at version 4.0.5.

Aside from bug fixes, new figures have been added. Here’s the full breakdown:

– EX Figures: Lunala, Chandelure, Decidueye
– R Figures: Mimikyu, Dartrix
– UC Figures: Litwick, Lampent, Rowlet, Oricori Sensu Style

A new Pumpkin Time Booster has also been added, which are guaranteed to hold Ghost-type Pokemon. You’ll also find a special 10 pack booster with a guaranteed EX or UX drop.


The Grand Hero Battle featuring Arvis is now live in Fire Emblem Heroes. As usual, you can obtain a 3 star version, a 4 star version and a 4 star version with Hero Feather of Arvis if you can beat the map on Hard, Lunatic, or Infernal difficulty.

The Grand Hero Battle featuring Arvis will be available until October 26.

Miitomo has been updated with new content. Players can nab the latest items in the Miitomo Drop stage, “Welcome to Miitomo Academy! A+ Fashion Sense #2”.

Available items include:

– Miitomo High school boy (blazer)
– Miitomo High school boy (bottoms)
– Miitomo University graduation cap
– Miitomo University graduation outfit

Users can select Miitomo Drop stages from the Shop tab. Miitomo coins or game tickets are needed to play.


It has been a while since the last new one, but Fire Emblem Heroes’ next Grand Hero Battle starts tomorrow. It’ll feature Arvis, who’s from Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War, just like Sigurd, Deirdre and Tailtiu from the recent summoning focus.


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