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Fire Emblem Heroes has a new Brave Heroes event. Tying in with that, Nintendo and Intelligent Systems have created some special art for the mobile game.

What’s noteworthy here is some text on Lucina’s sword. After it was translated, fans noticed that it roughly signifies “anime project success”. Fans are now hoping that this is a sign about an anime, though we’re quite far from a confirmation at this point. Regardless, is it something you’d like to see?

SourcE, Via

A support system has been a staple feature of Fire Emblem games for a long while now. However, it has been absent from the series’ recent mobile release, Fire Emblem Heroes. It seems like that might be changing soon though. The game’s latest update has been datamined, and among other things, such as the stats of the Choose Your Legends heroes, the update also contains the following line:

MID_TIPS_0018: Strengthen your allies through\nAlly Support! Allies who are\npartnered up will gain a stat\nboost when they fight near\neach other.\n\nYou can find Ally Support\nunder Advanced Growth in the\nAllies menu.

So far, this is just a tip that can appear on a loading screen and apparently nothing else about this supposed support system has been found in the game’s files, so don’t count on it being actually available in the game soon. Still, it’ll be interesting to see how Intelligent Systems will actually implement it in a game with so many characters.


Narcian has returned with his special maps and some new special quests. He comes in three difficulties including infernal. Narcian’s stages will last until September 7th.

Miitomo has been updated with more content. Users will find returning stages with more items.

“The vast depths! The World of Sea” is the returning theme. The stages provide the following:

– Diving goggles (set)
– Wetsuit (set)
– Flippers (set)
– Oxygen tank
– Tentacle tights
– Tropical-fish skirt
– Seaside dress
– King herring
– Shell-knee sweatpants
– Wild shark T-shirt
– Seaweed suit (set)
– Seaweed hood (set)

The returning stage will be available until August 31 at 6 PM PT / 9 PM ET.


Nintendo has a new update being prepared for Miitomo. It’s not massive, but Nintendo says that “Mii creation will be updated to Nintendo Switch standards, with new skin and hair colors, glasses options and more”. Performance improvements are also planned.

We should be seeing the new Miitomo update “soon”. That likely means this week, or within the next few days.


In preparation of the upcoming voting gauntlet there will be two summoning focuses where you will be able to obtain the heroes in the bracket. One focus has all the men: Roy, Ike, Hector and Chrom. The other focus contains the women: Lyn, Camilla, Lucina and Tharja. Remember you won’t have to use an orb on your first summon for either of these focuses. Each focus will last until September 6th.

A number of new items have been added to Miitomo. Among the selection you’ll find in the app, the following are now available:

– Tie-dye dress
– Simple cuffed high-tops
– Ocarina necklace

These items can be obtained by using Miitomo coins in Miitomo Shop.


Nintendo just wrapped up a short presentation for Fire Emblem Heroes centered around the Choose Your Legends Voting Gauntlet. The big news is the “Brave Heroes” summoning event, featuring Roy, Ike, Lyn, and Lucina. Watch the full broadcast below.

Nintendo will be returning with a new Fire Emblem Heroes broadcast very soon. On Sunday / Monday, the next Feh Channel presentation will be streamed online.

It’ll go live at the following times:

– 8:30 PM PT (August 27)
– 11:30 PM ET (August 27)
– 4:30 AM in the UK (August 28)
– 5:30 AM in Europe (August 28)

You’ll be able to watch the broadcast as it happens below. Nintendo says it will be about ten minutes long.

Miitomo has been updated with more content. Users will find a returning stage theme, along with some brand new items.

“Dinosaurs! Prehistoric Posh” is the returning theme. It includes the following:

– Tyrannosaur hood (set)
– Tyrannosaurus set (suit)
– Stegosaurus plates
– Archaeopteryx necklace
– T.rex skull
– Fossil tyrannosaurus suit
– T.rex tailbones
– Pteranodan pal
– Triceratops hat
– Dinosaur mesh cap
– Big dinosaur tee
– Dino-clawed pants

And as far as the new items go, you can nab the following:

– Comb-over wig
– Bath towel (chest)
– Bath towel (waist)


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