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We’re another step closer to the arrival of Legendary Pokemon in Pokemon GO… maybe. Over in India, an ad has been spotted promoting the special creatures. It’s unknown if this is simply an error or an early slip-up.

Niantic has yet to distribute any Legendary Pokemon. With the mobile game’s anniversary having just taken place though, the game is starting to see new features and content that fans had been asking for. Niantic has also previously indicated that Legendary Pokemon are coming this summer.


Fire Emblem Heroes added a new challenge today from series artist and character designer Yamada Kotaro. Take a look at some footage below.

A fairly sizeable patch is hitting Pokemon Duel tomorrow, and it’ll bring with it quite a few balance updates. Here’s what’s changing:


  • Changed the effect of Still (Snorlax can’t be affected by any special conditions other than Sleep)
  • Increased the power of Body Slam to 110; can now paralyze
  • Increased the power of Pound to 70; increased wheel size
  • Decreased miss wheel size


  • Changed the effect of Flame Acceleration (adds plus 10 to the damage value for each Pokemon in your PC)


  • Increased the wheel size of Fire Blast
  • decreased the wheel size of Gust


  • Techno Charge’s effect now lasts until the next time Techno Blast is used


  • Increased the Power of Vice Grip to 50
  • Increased the wheel size of Guillotine and Seismic Toss
  • decreased miss wheel size

It’s Tuesday, meaning that new content has gone live in Pokemon Shuffle. First up, a special stage for Alola Cap Pikachu is now available. You have until July 18th to clear it.

A Mew Escalation Battle will be available until July 25th. Beating it repeatedly nets you rewards, up to level 500.

Until July 18th, you can take part in the Shiny Mega Rayquaza competitive stage. As always, earning more points and getting a higher rank gets you better rewards.

Finally, the Registeel event is back, giving you another chance to obtain the Steel type Pokemon.


Quite a bit of Fire Emblem Heroes news today: first up, the Yamada Kotaro challenge is now live. Like the Kozaki Yusuke challenge before it, this pits you against teams used by Yamada Kotaro, an artist and character designer who’s  worked on the Fire Emblem series for a while now. For Heroes, he has designed Narcian and Lyn. If you beat the various challenge maps and the corresponding quests, you can earn a large variety of rewards.

New daily quests have also appeared. There are fairly simple, requiring you to defeat 10 and 20 enemies, respectively, and win two Arena duels.

Finally, the next new Grand Hero Battle has been announced. It will feature Berkut from Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia. It will start sometime next week.


Fire Emblem Heroes has another new summoning focus out right now for players to try and get characters with the ability Hone Atk. This focus includes Sanaki, female Corrin and Nino. The focus last from today until July 24th.

Miitomo has been updated with more content. Users will find returning stages with more items.

“A second impurresion! Cat Style Redux” is the returning theme. The stages provide the following:

– Firefighter helmet (set)
– Firefighter uniform (set)
– Fire truck
– Fire hose
– Police officer hat (set)
– Police officer uniform (set)
– Motorcycle officer helmet (set)
– Motorcycle officer uniform (set)
– Train conductor hat (set)
– Train conductor uniform (set)
– Train conductor pouch (set)
– Train outfit

The returning stage will be available until July 11 at 6 PM PT / 9 PM ET.


Fire Emblem Heroes received its big 1.5.0 update a few days ago. Following up on that, Nintendo has issued another small patch. Version 1.5.1 can be downloaded.

The lone note about the patch is: “Implemented bug fixes.” If you were encountering any issues after applying the recent update, hopefully you’ll have a smoother experience.

Nintendo sent out Fire Emblem Heroes version 1.5.0 this week. It was a significant update, adding Chain Challenge and Squad Assault modes in Story Maps.

Whenever an update comes out, fans usually pick through the files and get busy with datamining. For the new Fire Emblem Heroes update, this was no different.

Among what was found is that Tobin is coming to Fire Emblem Heroes. Early speculation points to the character being a sword user. Aside from Tobin, fans have found more log-in bonuses, Yamada Kotaro quests, chapter 12, Berkut’s map planned for the final Tempest Trial map, new Sacred Seals, and a Bound Hero Battle Map.

Here’s a further roundup of data mined content from HAPPYSADPERSONCordelia and chipchocolat:

The newest Tempest Trial is now available for players to try and earn points for. This Tempest Trial features Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia characters and offers Tobin as a reward instead of Marth. There will also be daily quests related to the trials for players to try and complete and on July 14th through the rest of the event the rewards for these daily quests will be doubled. The Tempest Trials: Resonating Fangs will be available until July 21st.

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