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Switch eShop

The run and jump game Gunslugs made it to 3DS in 2016. If you never had the chance to experience the title then, you may be interested to hear that it’ll be on Switch very soon. It’s scheduled for release on November 3.

Here’s some information about Gunslugs as well as a trailer:

Control Ultimate Edition - Cloud Version

Games releasing on Switch in cloud form have existed for awhile. Resident Evil 7 is really one of the first titles that kicked things off, though it was only offered in Japan.

This week though, two more cloud games were announced for Switch. Control Ultimate Edition is already live on the eShop, with Hitman 3 to follow. Both are planned for multiple regions.


Crimzon Clover: World EXplosion

The bullet hell shooter Crimzon Clover: World EXplosion was made available on Switch yesterday. If you’re interested in checking out some gameplay, watch the video below.

Crimzon Clover: World EXplosion is available for Switch via the eShop. You can find additional information about the game here.

Dragon Lapis

As we heard yesterday, Kemco is bringing the RPG Dragon Lapis to Switch next week. Find some early footage below.

Dragon Lapis is due out for Switch via the eShop on November 5. Additional information is located in our previous post here.


The minimalist puzzle-adventure game Linelight is coming to Switch, Brett Taylor and Plug In Digital announced today. A release is planned for November 12.

Here’s an overview of Linelight, along with a trailer:

Battle Hunters

Phase Two Games has shared a new trailer for its class-style adventure game Battle Hunters ahead of release next week. Check it out below.

Battle Hunters was originally planned for October 20 on the Switch eShop, but was pushed back to November 5. We have more information about the title here.

The remake of the survival horror game Mad Father was announced earlier this month by publisher Playism, and now it has been given an official release date. Mad Father will drop on the Switch on November 5, 2020, and it will cost 980 yen.

The game does support English language options, so feel free to check out the trailer below to see if it piques interest.

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Angry Video Game Nerd 1 & 2 Deluxe

Angry Video Game Nerd 1 & 2 Deluxe will be on Switch tomorrow, but we have an early look at the mini collection now. Find footage of both platformers in the video below.

Angry Video Game Nerd 1 & 2 Deluxe will be available digitally for Switch via the eShop.

The hand-drawn point-and-click adventure game Memoranda will be appearing on Switch next week. For a look at some footage, continue on below.

Memoranda is due out for Switch via the eShop on November 6.

Dragon Lapis

Kemco and Exe Create’s RPG Dragon Lapis arrived on 3DS in 2018, and it’s now about to release on Nintendo’s current system. It’s been announced that the game is slated for November 5 on Switch.

Here’s some information about Dragon Lapis as well as a trailer:

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