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Switch eShop

Super Mario 3D All-Stars

This week’s Switch eShop charts are as follows:



A major 2.0 update has gone live for the Switch version of Pine. The game has received big performance stability gains, reduced loading times, increased world density, improved combat, and much more.

Below are the full patch notes:

Nintendo eShop

No More Robots has quite a bit of experience with Switch having published four games. This year alone the company has brought Not Tonight: Take Back Control Edition, Yes, Your Grace, Nowhere Prophet, and Hypnospace Outlaw to the system.

With everything learned thus far, No More Robots’ co-founder Mike Rose published a lengthy thread on Twitter today that gives very interesting insight into the eShop. Rose discussed sales and discounts, the importance of Metacritic, and much more.

Here’s the full roundup of tweets:



Following a successful Kickstarer campaign, Half Human Games’ Zelda-inspired tower defense dungeon crawler RPG Dwerve has been secured for Switch.

The project managed to go well beyond its $10,000 goal. Having raised more than $50,000 in total, a Switch version has been confirmed.

Here’s some information about Dwerve as well as a trailer:

Bouncing Hero

Turtle Cream, ZPink, and have announced that Bouncing Hero, an extreme auto-jump platformer, is bound for Switch. It will release later this year.

Here’s an overview of Bouncing Hero, along with a trailer:

Postal Redux

To promote the new release on Switch, Postal Redux has received a new trailer. Get a look at the video below.

Postal Redux launches for Switch via the eShop on October 16. Learn more about the game here.

The Rewinder

The adventure puzzle game The Rewinder is seeing release on Switch, publisher Gamera and developer MistyMountainStudio announced today. It’s scheduled for an early 2021 launch on the system.

Here’s some information about The Rewinder as well as a trailer:

The fast-paced tactical roguelike Warriors of the Nile is on the way to Switch, publisher Gamera and developer Stove Studio have announced. It will be released “soon” on the console.

Here’s an overview of Warriors of the Nile, along with a couple of trailers:

Azure Flame Studio has announced that Banner of the Maid is getting new DLC. This expansion, titled Miss Elisa’s Journal, is expected to come to Switch on October 3. Here’s a brief overview:

Spice and Wolf VR 2

Spice and Wolf VR 2, the VR simulation game developed by SpicyTails, is reportedly coming to Switch. A sequel to the original Spice and Wolf, this game will feature a new protagonist named Myuri, who is the daughter of Holo and Lawrence from the first game. The voice acting will be done by Aimi Tanaka as well as the motion capture for the character.

This information comes straight from the developer on their Twitter and mentions that the game will be coming to the compatible systems of PSVR, VIVE, Rift, Oculus Go and Switch. Apparently, the Switch Labo Toy-Con VR Goggles can also be used with the game.

No release date information is available at this time, but there will be more information soon.


(Thank you to @GRLFreitas2 on Twitter for the updated spelling of Myuri)

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