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Switch eShop

Arcade Archives BurgerTime will launch on Switch this week, the company has announced. A worldwide release is set for July 30.

BurgerTime was originally made by Data East in 1982. In the game, players take control of Peter Pepper, who needs to finish up hamburgers and avoid enemy foods.

Pricing for Arcade Archives BurgerTime is set at $7.99 / €6.99 / £6.29.

Source: Hamster PR

Legends of Amberland: The Forgotten Crown has just received an update from developer Silver Lemur Games and publisher Pineapple Works. Check out an overview and a new trailer below:

The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters

This week’s Famitsu review scores are as follows:

Next week, the competitive party game will be arriving on Switch. Have a look at some early footage in the video below.

Ultra Foodmess will be offered via the eShop starting August 6.

Nintendo has updated the Japanese release schedule on its platforms for the week of August 6, 2020. Here’s a look at the upcoming digital download schedule:



Chucklefish has provided another update on Inmost, the atmospheric, story-driven puzzle platformer from Hidden Layer Games. Development is said to be “content complete”, and the title should be available later this summer.

Here’s the full status report from Chucklefish:

Skater XL

Easy Day Studios has issued a new trailer for Skater XL. Take a look at the latest video for the game below.

We’re waiting on a new, final release date for the Switch version of Skater XL, which we’ll hopefully have sooner rather than later.


The action arcade game Spitlings will arrive on Switch next week, publisher HandyGames and developer Massive Miniteam have announced. A release is scheduled for August 4.

We have the following overview and trailer for Spitlings:


Today, Mass Creation announced that the side-scrolling arcade action game Shing! will launch for Switch on August 28. It will be sold digitally via the eShop.

Alongside today’s news, a developer diary has been released that outlines the game’s inspirations and creation. We have that below along with more information about the project.


New footage is in for Ageless, the story-driven puzzle platformer. Get a look at the gameplay in the video below.

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