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Switch eShop

Publisher Numskull Games and developer Undercoders have announced SuperEpic, a Metroidvania-style adventure game with a humorous and satirical tone. It will launch on Switch in December.

Here’s some additional information:

Neo Cab makes its debut on Switch tomorrow as a digital download. New footage is now available, which you can watch in the video below.

New footage is in for 80 Days, which arrived on the Switch eShop yesterday. Take a look at the gameplay below.

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Hexagroove: Tactical DJ lands on Switch starting tomorrow. Continue on below for a look at the game’s official launch trailer.

QUByte Interactive is bringing the 2D platformer Aldred: Knight of Honor to Switch next week, the company has announced. It will be available via the eShop as of October 8.

Here’s an overview of Aldred: Knight of Honor, along with a trailer:

Hamster will release Arcade Archives Karate Champ on Switch this week, the company has announced. All regions will be getting the game tomorrow, October 4.

Karate Champ was originally made by Data East in 1984. High Score Mode and Caravan Mode have been implemented for this new edition.

The visual novel One Night Stand launches for Switch this Friday. Check out some gameplay footage in the video below.

Nintendo has updated the Japanese release schedule on its platforms for the week of October 10, 2019. Here’s a look at the upcoming digital download schedule:


Ori and the Blind Forest launched on Switch at the end of last week. For a look at how it stacks up to the Xbox One version, check out the video below.

Super Crate Box is now available on Switch via the eShop. Take a look at some gameplay footage in the video below.

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