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Switch eShop

BeautiFun Games has readied a new launch trailer for Professor Lupo and his Horrible Pets. View the video below.

Blazing Chrome makes its debut on Switch later today via the eShop. Have a look at some footage in the video below.

With the game hitting the Switch eShop tomorrow, YouTube channel Handheld Players has published 24 minutes of early gameplay footage for Eagle Island.

Those interested can check out the video below.

VD-Dev has shared a new trailer for its Switch title RISE: Race The Future that highlights the game’s various modes. Check it out below.

The revamped version of Morphies Law has been a long time coming. Developer Cosmoscope has now announced the release date for Morphies Law: Remorphed, which is slated for July 30.

The game will be coming to Steam on the same day. When that happens, cross-platform play will be supported.

Here’s an overview of Morphies Law, along with a new trailer:

During a live stream today, Famitsu showed off Arcade Archives Shusse Ozumo with a bunch of gameplay. Take a look at the full recording below.

To celebrate the new release on the Switch eShop, SolSeraph has been given its launch trailer. We’ve included the latest video below.

The RPG Archlion Saga will launch on Switch next week, a Japanese eShop listing reveals. A release is planned for July 18.

Here’s an overview of Archlion Saga, along with a trailer:

Ratalakia Games will be publishing Metaloid: Origin on the Switch eShop tomorrow. For a look at some early footage, check out the video below.

Ichigoichie has announced Hexagroove, a game that features a mix of strategy, rhythm, and action. It will arrive on Switch this October.

Here’s further information about the project:

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