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Switch eShop

Epic Loon

Epic Loon was originally announced for a June 28 release on Switch. That day came and went, but the game isn’t actually available on the eShop. It seems that a slight delay was involved, as a new eShop listing shows a release date of July 13. 

We’ll let you know if anything changes again with regard to the release date. For now, here’s an overview along with a trailer:

Holy Potatoes! A Weapon Shop?!

As we found out a few days ago, Holy Potatoes! A Weapon Shop?! is landing on Switch next Thursday. We’ve attached a trailer for the game below.

Double Cross

At E3 2018, Runbow developer 13AM Games was showing off its next Switch project Double Cross. Check out a recording from the official Twitch stream below.


This week’s Switch eShop charts are as follows:


Several new games out came out this week on the eShop. If you’re interested in checking out what’s new in screenshot form, take a look at the gallery below.

Announced during Aksys Games’ Anime Expo 2018 panel today, Ghost Parade is in the works for Switch. Aksys will naturally be publishing, though Lentera is its developer.

Ghost Parade is described as “an adventure game with a unique gameplay and updatable stories.” Find some additional information and a trailer below.

Stardust Galaxy Warriors: Stellar Climax

Stardust Galaxy Warriors: Stellar Climax is heading to Switch, Aksys Games announced during a panel at Anime Expo today. The title is coming soon as an eShop title.

Originally released in 2015, Stardust Galaxy Warriors: Stellar Climax ” is a fast-paced 1-4 player couch co-op action shooter, combining SHMUP/Brawler gameplay with RPG elements.” We have an overview from Steam below, along with a trailer.

Smoke and Sacrifice

Solar Sail Games has outlined a new patch in the works for Smoke and Sacrifice. It’s currently in submission for Switch, so we could be seeing it by the end of this month.

The new update will make a number of improvements across the board with regard to inventory management, controls, the save system, and more. We have the full patch notes below.

Pokemon Quest

Pokemon Quest has surpassed 7.5 million downloads, The Pokemon Company announced today. That number factors in numbers on both Switch and mobile. For mobile, iOS and Android download are accounted for here.

Pokemon Quest previously reached 1 million downloads on Switch in less than two days.

Source: Pokemon PR

Surgeon Simulator could be making the jump to Switch. A teaser video published today seemingly teases a release on the console.

The 18-second video, attached below, only shows a light switch being turned off. The description also states, “Let us know when it… clicks.”

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