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Switch eShop

As we reported reported last month, Atooi had been gauging interest in a potential version of 2D platformer Chicken Wiggle for the Switch that would be supported via Kickstarter. Today, the developer has announced they will be launching a campaign on March 6 to do just that with Chicken Wiggle Workshop.

See the full details in the tweet below:

Outlast - Nintendo Switch

New footage is in showing off Outlast on the Switch. Check out the gameplay below:

Despite no prior announcements, Outlast showed up on the Switch eShop around the world today. Red Barrel Games has since confirmed some technical information.

When docked, Outlast runs at 1008p (apparently this isn’t a typo) on Switch. The resolution drops to the highest possible amount of 720p in portable mode. Also, in both modes, Outlast runs at 30 frames per second.

Outlast 2 will launch for Switch on March 27. Thus far, Red Barrel hasn’t provided any technical information about that title, but it’s possible that it will run at the same frame rate and resolution.


Outlast was added to the Switch eShop today. Its sequel, Outlast 2, isn’t too far behind. The European and Australian eShops now have a listing that shows a release date of March 27 (expect it on the same day in North America).

Outlast 2 will cost £26.99. It’ll take up 9.6GB of space.

Below are the first screenshots from Outlast 2 on Switch:

And a lengthy overview:

Update: Bumped to the top. Outlast: Bundle of Terror is out now in North America as well.

Original: We knew that the Outlast games would be coming to Switch at some point. Yet strangely, out of the blue, Outlast: Bundle of Terror has popped up on the European eShop and can be purchased right now.

It’s unclear if this is a mistake, but it’s rather odd for this to appear randomly. In any case, we have some screenshots of the game on Switch below, along with an overview.

Ahead of this week’s release on the Switch eShop, Lienzo has published a launch trailer for Mulaka. Watch the video below.

More: ,

Broken Rules has shared encouraging news about the sales of Old Man’s Journey on Switch. In just one week following launch, the studio has recouped porting costs. That means all additional sales from here on out will provide the team with actual profits.

Broken Rules wrote on Twitter earlier today:


Nintendo released a new video today showcasing a few European digital game highlights from February 2018. You can watch it below.


Grindstone Games prepared a new trailer for Hellmut: The Badass from Hell to celebrate the launch on PC – the Switch version is due out later in Q2. View the trailer called “The Gates of Hell Open” below.

A listing on the eShop shows a new title from JanduSoft and Norain Games. In March, Neonwall will be available for Switch.

Here’s a brief overview:

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