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Wii U eShop

Update: Renegade Kid’s Jools Watsham shares the following tidbits:

A new Mutant Mudds game is in development. As revealed on the series’ official Twitter account today, Mutant Mudds Super Challenge is coming to both Wii U and 3DS.

First details about Mutant Mudds Super Challenge are included in the latest issue of Nintendo Force. We’ll bring you the information as soon as we have it.


This week’s European downloads are as follows:

Wii U

Metroid Prime Trilogy €9.99/£8.99 (Ends February 5. regular price €19.99/£17.99)
Hyrule Warriors: Majora’s Mask Pack (Add-on content) €6.99/£6.29
Rock ‘N Racing Off Road €5.99/£5.39 (€4.99/£4.49 if you downloaded Abyss, 99seconds, Unepic, Rock Zombie, 99 Moves, Spy Chameleon on the same Wii U)
Castlevania: Circle of the Moon €6.99/£6.29

Wii U Special Offers

Cake Ninja 3: The Legend Continues €3.69/£3.33 (Ends February 5, regular price €4.99/£4.49)


Gunman Clive 2 €2.99/£2.50
Best of Board Games €24.99/£19.99
Best of Arcade Games €24.99/£19.99

3DS Themes

NES Balloon Fighter (available January 30) – €1.99/£1.79
NES Fire Mario (available January 30) – €1.99/£1.79

Natsume has yet another Virtual Console game slated for the Virtual Console this week. Shadow of the Ninja will be available for both Wii U and 3DS in just a few days. You’ll be able to purchase the game from the eShop starting on January 29.


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