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A full recording is now available of Nintendo Treehouse: Live with Splatoon Global Testfire. If you happened to miss out on the stream, you can watch it below.


Splatoon Global Testfire is now open for business. This first round will last from 8 PM PT to 9 PM PT (11 PM ET to 12 AM ET).

Two more rounds of Splatoon Global Testfire will be going live over the next 12 hours or so. We’ll publish reminders as they begin.

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The Nintendo Treehouse is hosting a new stream to showcase Splatoon Global Testfire. Staffers from the Treehouse will be participating in the online demo once it goes live in about 20 minutes. As for the stream, it’ll begin at 10:55 PM ET / 7:55 PM PT.


This week’s episode of Nintendo Minute provides a look at Splatoon’s single-player mode. Take a look at the video below.

Nintendo released another short promo video for Splatoon. Watch it below.


Game Informer has a new article up on Disney Infinity 3.0 that has a bunch of details about the game. We’ve rounded them up below, but be sure to check out the site’s full preview here.

– Gobo (Pirates of the Caribbean and Guardians of the Galaxy Playsets) is working on 3.0
– The team is trying to incorporate as many elements from the Star Wars trilogy as possible
– Both Death Stars will need to be blown up during trench runs
– Star Destroyers will be battled in space
– Ride a Bantha from the bars of Mos Eisley to the dance floor of Jabba’s palace
– Exlore the ice world of Hoth
– Battle the four-legged AT-ATs
– For the first time, AT-ATs can turn
– AT-ATs and AT-STs can correct themselves and turn when walking over any terrain
– AT-ATs and AT-STs can adjust their balance and recover if knocked over
– Young players have been brought in for weekly play tests
– Take down AT-ATs by piece by climbing their legs or take control of them yourself
– Ex: land a Snowspeeder on top of the AT-AT and break apart its back to reveal a giant controller with buttons to stand on to direct its movement and fire its weapons
– Can remove the controller from its back and carry it away to where you have a full view of the walking tank
– Can also explore Tatooine
– In this area, you’ll find Sandcrawlers
– Ride on the roofs of Mos Eisley on a Batha
– Levels in the game are designed to allow players to do whatever they want in the context of a Star Wars world
– There were initially plans to have Ninja Theory make the Playset based on the first three films, with Gobo set to work on the prequel trilogy
– After examining the content of each of the trilogies, and some shifting, it was decided since Ninja Theory specialized in combat, it should be working on the trilogy that featured Jedis fighting at their prime
– This led Gobo to handling the trilogy since the studio had a background in racing and vehicles
– Can take control of iconic vehicles like the X-Wing and the Millennium Falcon
– Star Fox was an inspiration
– Not all space battles are on rails
– The two Death Star battles will be on rails
– Non-rail battles and flying around open space are like the all-range-mode from Star Fox 64
– Dedicated inputs make you do loop de loops and 180 degree turns and the bumpers on the controller let you lean tightly into turns

Nintendo is now taking pre-orders for the orange Splatoon Inkling hat on its UK store. It’s due out on May 29, alongside the game. Pricing is set at £9.99.

Those who are interested can pre-order the hat here.

Generally, when Nintendo shows off Splatoon, the company does so by demonstrating the Wii U GamePad’s motion controls. However, you should be aware that traditional aiming will be included in the final game as well. This is something that TIME was able to confirm with a Nintendo rep at a recent demo event.



Yoshi’s Woolly World supports a whole bunch of controllers. With the back of the game’s boxart having been shown today, it’s confirmed that the game will make use of the GamePad, Pro Controller, Wii Remote (held sideways), and Classic Controller (unclear if this is only for a second player). Of course, off-TV play is supported as well.


The latest Japanese hardware sales from Media Create are as follows:

Wii U – 22,898
PS4 – 19,782
Vita – 17,748
New 3DS LL – 17,062
New 3DS – 5,901
PS3 – 3,956
3DS – 1,520
3DS LL – 1,465
Vita TV – 687
Xbox One – 341

For comparison’s sake, here are the hardware numbers from last week:

PS4 – 20,112
Vita – 15,467
New 3DS LL – 13,981
Wii U – 7,210
New 3DS – 5,329
PS3 – 4,248
3DS LL – 1,253
3DS – 1,095
Vita TV – 558
Xbox One – 201

And here are the software charts:

1. [3DS] Puzzle & Dragons: Super Mario Bros. Edition – 179,926 / NEW
2. [WIU] Dragon Quest X: Inishie no Ryuu no Denshou Online – 98,323 / NEW
3. [WIU] Xenoblade Chronicles X – 85,586 / NEW
4. [3DS] Bravely Second – 20,195 / 120,242
5. [3DS] Girls Mode 3 – 20,103 / 99,007
6. [PSV] Minecraft: PlayStation Vita Edition – 16,166 / 125,951
7. [PSV] Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata -Blessing Flowers- – 11,202 / NEW
8. [PSV] To Heart 2: Dungeon Travelers – 10,956 / NEW
9. [PSV] Tokyo Shinseiroku: Operation Babel – 8,104 / NEW
10. [WIU] Mario Kart 8 – 7,955 / 974,448
11. [3DS] Assassination Classroom: Grand Siege on Kurosensei – 7,141 / 63,814
12. [WIU] Mario Party 10 – 6,888 / 130,353
13. [3DS] Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire – 6,427 / 2,610,284
14. [PS4] Dying Light – 6,277 / 38,837
15. [3DS] Yo-Kai Watch 2: Shinuchi – 5,618 / 2,597,320
16. [3DS] Super Smash Bros. for 3DS – 5,272 / 2,220,527
17. [PS3] BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma Extend – 4,870 / 20,420
18. [PS3] One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3 – 4,652 / 146,633
19. [PS4] Tropico 5 – 4,495 / 13,201
20. [PS4] Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory II – 4,369 / 26,979


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