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We’ve got tons of Yoshi’s Woolly World footage for you, including a look at the game’s opening, various transformations and several levels, thanks to NintenDaan. Check out the videos in the playlist below:


Yoshi has always been able to take on the form of multiple objects in his games, and Yoshi’s Woolly World is no exception! Check out a clip of Yoshi as an umbrella below:

Update: Below is another new trailer. This one features Popo while the another one shows Risette.

New gameplay footage of Stella Glow is out, and in it we see a clip of how Songs work during gameplay. Songs are sung by Witches to enhance abilities and unlock full potential in battle. Check it out below:

I’ve been sick and Austin isn’t around to edit audio, but Just a Chat must go on! In this week’s episode, Daan and I talk about the announcements of Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon and Art Academy: Atelier, plus the Nintendo World Championships, Nintendo’s hiring of “Bowser”, and the Splatoon Iwata Asks.


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Gaming Boulevard has provided another look at the recently-released Zelda: A Link to the Past comic. Actually, you’ll be able to see all of the pages in full.

Ronimo Games released the nineteenth “Daily Duel” video for Swords & Soldiers II. In today’s video, the battle is 1 Genie, 4 Shamshir Soldiers, 4 Sand Witches, 1 Desert Stalker and the Mirage spell versus 1 Helga, 3 Nagas, 4 Master Chefs, 1 Eletric Elder and 1 Freyja’s Blessing spell. Check it out below.

Family Gamer TV’s latest Disney Infinity 3.0 video gives us another look at the Toy Box Speedway. In addition to the Sugar Rush track, we also have footage of the hub world. Take a look below:

Nintendo recently updated the Japanese 3DS app Collectible Badge Center with another wave of Animal Crossing badges. You can check them out in the video below.

Nintendo uploaded a new Splatoon “Extended Cut” video that seems to take some cues from the recent commercials. Give it a look below.


Ronimo Games released the nineteenth “Daily Duel” video for Swords & Soldiers II. In today’s video, the battle is 1 Helga, 4 Master Chefs, 4 Berserkers and 1 Sand Witch versus 1 Siege Troll, 2 Nagas, 2 Axethrowers, 2 Barrelriders and 1 Corpse Explode spell. Check it out below.

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