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How about this for a Smash Bros. glitch? Whatever is going on here causes items to become Maxim Tomatos. The items themselves function normally, but their appearance can’t be anything but a tomato.

YouTube user Leron Tolmachev says of the glitch:

This issue is currently occurring on my girlfriend’s 3DS XL. I have tried her copy of Smash Bros. in my 2DS, and it works fine, I’ve tried my copy of Smash Bros. in her 3DS and the issue only occurs on her 3DS XL with the 1.0.4 patch installed. If we uninstall the patch, the issue goes away, but reinstalling the patch causes the issue to return. I’ve factory reset the 3DS XL and formatted the SD card, but the issue persists.

Definitely one of the strangest glitches I’ve seen in a long while!


Dengeki recently held another live stream recording for Bravely Second. Producer Tomoya Asano and shared more on the game’s “Barter Sub-Scenario” system. You can find that information below (thanks Siliconera).

– In the Barter Sub-Scenario, Edea takes on the lead role, where you’ll encounter Asterisk Holders from Bravely Default
– Edea talks to 2 Asterisk Holders and listens to their dispute in each scenario
– Edea then must choose one to side with
– Fight against the Asterisk Holder you don’t side with, and you’ll get their Asterisk, or job
– The one you do choose to side with, you’ll get to see more from their story
– Won’t have to fight them, but you won’t get their job
– Asano doesn’t specify whether we can get their jobs later on in the game
– This is a form of “ultimate decision making”
– The Barter Sub-Scenario will bring back many Asterisk Holders
– Edea’s Japanese voice actress Mai Aizawa says that these are the parts where she has a good amount of voiceover work
– Ex: Thief Asterisk Holder Jackal asks Edea to help him, the man that has been helping out the thirsty
– The Red Mage Asterisk Holder Fiore DeRosa then asks Edea to defeat Jackal, for the sake of the future and mankind
– While it doesn’t show why exactly the two have been arguing, they say that there’s actually quite a lot of story development behind these Barter Sub-Scenarios
– No right/wrong answer for who you should side with
– There will be something nice for those who start the game with Bravely Default save data
– Details on this coming in the near future


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