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Digital Foundry’s latest technical analysis is dedicated to Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS. The site put together a comparison of the two games as well as some frame rate tests – all of which can be found below.

Digital Foundry ultimately concludes, “the fourth entry in the Smash Bros. series is a true technical milestone for both of the Kyoto giant’s leading platforms.” The Wii U version manages to provide a consistent 60 frames per second experience in 1080p, while the 3DS version also takes advantage of its hardware and almost never falters, even when 3D is enabled.

Austin and I are back for another Just a Chat! Zelda Wii U is the focus here, as new footage was unexpectedly shown during last night’s Game Awards. There’s also a bit of talk about Wii U’s lineup as a whole in 2015.

Check out the discussion below:

Nintendo had three new things to show at this year’s Game Awards. The company first provided new looks at Mario Maker as well as Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. To close out tonight’s show, Nintendo also brought along The Legend of Zelda for Wii U.

Find some details below, along with the first footage.

– First gameplay
– Can use the GamePad to look around in first-person
– Map on the GamePad
– Can mark points on the map
– Sailcloth is in the game
– Epona is back
– Swing sword on Epona, shoot arrows
– Insects and animal life
– Can volt off the horse, jump and shoot and arrow
– This happens in slow motion so it’s easier to aim
– Aonuma says the game will be released next year

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