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Wii Fit U details

Posted on 10 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Videos | 0 comments

Among the titles Nintendo recently demoed for the press include Wii Fit U. “>NintendoWorldReport has details on the game’s Fit Meter, and a pair of mini-games. We’ve summarized the information below.

Wii Fit Meter

– Simple low-resolution readouts
– Scroll through the different readouts with the face buttons
– These include your Mii with a Calories burned count, distance walked, elevation, temperature, and tiny graphs of changes
– Altimeter as well to calculate grade
– Can detect when you’re in a vehicle so as to not inadvertently credit you for physical activity
– Transfer data through the infrared port to the top of the Wii U GamePad
– Given more detail on Wii U than on the meter
– Game lets you set distance and elevation goals
– This is graphically related to the scales of various worldwide locations, such as city marathons and mountain climbs
– Track activity with the meter and complete these challenges
– Share stats with communities of your choosing
– Compete in virtual marathons with others

Puzzle Squad

– Combination of Wii Remote Plus and Balance Board usage
– Goal is to gain a high score and burn calories
– Back wall of the court is filled with different colored blocks
– Hit the blocks with the ball to earn player point
– Score is multiplied if the block the player hits is connected to blocks of the same color
– Whether you try to place the ball correctly or not doesn’t matter
– Blocks vanish after they’re hit
– More blocks will fall down to fill the gaps
– Hitting the ball plays out similarly to Wii Sports Tennis
– Timing involved
– If the returning ball is far away from the on-screen character, the player must then shuffle their feet back and forth in order to run to the ball’s next location
– Try to get a high score within 3 misses with the racket or before time expires

Rock climbing

– Coordinate movements
– 2 Wii Remote Plus controllers and Balance Board used
– Hold Wiimotes in each hand
– Move your hand toward a grip and then latch onto it by pressing the B button
– Then make stepping motions on the Balance Board to pull yourself up
– Can grip some rocks with both hands
– Most are only for one hand
– If you wait too long hanging by one hand, you risk falling off the wal


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