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Wii U eShop

ZombieBoy details

Posted on 9 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 1 Comment

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A few days ago, DarKarnage Games announced a new title for the Wii U eShop named “ZombieBoy”. Only a couple of screenshots were shared, but the indie developer has since provided actual gameplay details to Nintendo Everything – plus a look at a pair of new levels.

ZombieBoy is a 2D platformer that tasks players with collecting brains. The game features aliens as enemies that use laser guns, though you can obtain brains from humans as well. Although the current plan is to include ten levels or so, this could change “depending on a few factors”.

In ZombieBoy, “you are the only zombie trying to get to the core humanoid.” You more or less become the root to the zombie plague. However, aliens will attempt to impede your progress as they want to take over the world instead.

All of ZombieBoy’s gameplay is focused on the Wii U GamePad. Miiverse support will be included in addition to potential touchscreen features.

A release date hasn’t been determined at this time, though Darkarnage hopes to launch ZombieBoy before the end of 2014. Development is currently ahead of schedule and there are only a few bugs to address. We’ll let you know when a release date has been settled.

With more and more Kickstarter campaigns popping up these days, it would be tough to cover them all without overloading the site. And thus, the Kickstarter roundup was born! We’ll be posting these each weekend so that we can bring the latest Kickstarter efforts to your attention.

Here’s today’s roundup:


VIRUS (new) – $50,000 for funding (seems to include Wii U), 3DS stretch goal at $190,000
Town of Salem (new) – already funded at $30,000, Wii U stretch goal at $150,000
Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King – $45,000 for funding, Wii U stretch goal at $250,000

Leuvsion has decided to delay Twisted Fusion to the first quarter of 2015. Originally, the game was planned for a December 2014 launch. Twisted Fusion’s launch may have been delayed, but the extra time will allow for extra features such as 5-player co-op.


Underground is not your typical title. Four years ago, Grendel Games – in cooperation with the University Medical Center Groningen and LIMIS Foundation – set out to create an experience for Wii that can be used to help surgeons in training. Development is still ongoing, but Underground has almost come to fruition – and as a Wii U release.

“It is true that the title was initially planned for Wii, but as it seemed the whole Wii market was starting to fade out, so we switched to Wii U,” producer Stavros Tsikinas told Nintendo Everything. “For serious purposes (surgeon training), that wouldn’t make a significant difference, because either way the game would be used. On the other hand, we wanted to get into the Wii U market for the commercial reasons. Those four years were very intensive, difficult, tiring, but very rewarding as well.”

Paper Monsters Recut is coming to the North American Wii U eShop on October 16, developer Mobot Studios has announced. The game will be available for $7.99.

If you’re interested in Paper Monsters Recut, I suggest stopping by the site later today. We’ll have a little something extra pertaining to the game!

Turtle Tale will take up roughly 81MB. That size may vary depending on region and when the game is installed, but essentially, the game is a very small release. You shouldn’t have much trouble fitting in onto your Wii U or external hard drive!


Arachnid Games recently revealed that Ballpoint Universe is finally heading to the Wii U eShop next Thursday. The company didn’t say, however, if the news applied to both North America and Europe.

Well, now we have an answer! Arachnid told one gamer on Twitter that the European launch of Ballpoint Universe will be taking place “a few months” after the North American release. This is because of the “separate publishing process for each region”.

Arachnid’s tweet in full:


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