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Update: Added more teases below:

Warner Bros. has plans to reveal something “epic” for Batman: Arkham Origins next week. That’s according to the game’s official Twitter account, which tweeted yesterday:

Gamescom 2013 is coming up next week, so Warner Bros. likely has something big in store. You can probably expect a new trailer alongside the big announcement.


Look what we have here! Just a day before Disney Infinity launches, we have the first screenshots from Disney Infinity: Toy Box Challenge, the 3DS companion game.

We also have the following details from Nintendo’s website and a Disney listing:

– Made by Altron
– Form your team and tackle competition in 15 Toy Box game boards
– Level up your characters and earn coins for more customization pieces
– Customize your Game Board experience – select your toy buildings, adventures and decorations
– Expand your game board experience and mash up characters and worlds
– Co-op with 1 other player
– Over 50 mini-games
– Race, jump, climb or shoot
– Co-op is local only

Update: The image comes from a CG promo with Pikachu walking through the Pokemon games and consoles. Eventually, Pokemon X/Y’s release date is shown, and the image pops ups. We also have this photo from the video:



At the end of the Pokemon X/Y demo playable at the Pokemon Game Show in Japan, a photo is shown showcasing a never-before-scene imagine. We’re not quite sure what to make of it, as the visuals do not appear to be from the upcoming 3DS games.

So what say you? A Pokemon Stadium title for Wii U? An arcade game? Just a random image?


Note that it has since been confirmed that this is a special rather than a regular series.

Pokemon X/Y demo details

Posted 11 years ago by in 3DS, News | 2 Comments

The Pokemon Game Show is currently being held in Japan, and fans have been given an opportunity to try out a brand new Pokemon X/Y gameplay demo. For an overview as to what’s included, check out the summary below.

– Demo is made up of different elements
– Not tied to an actual part of the game
– Certain things were locked out, like the X and Y buttons
– Need to speak to a journalist who says a professor is waiting for you
– On your way there, you battle the rival, with a time limit
– Four directional walk and run are mapped to the d-pad
– Use the Circle Pad for multi-directional, quick movement on inline skates
– One trainer you encounter is named Shauna
– Battle Shauna and other trainers in the demo
– Shauna wears a pink top with three stacked, black bow ties
– Demo lets you try out Pokemon-Amie
– In the demo, you also ride on a Skiddo in a route and seen riding a Rhyhorn
– Pokemon-Amie can give higher chances for critical hits
– Talk with Professor Augustine Sinclair
– Professor tells you that you’re The One to unlock the power of Mega Evolution and gives you a Mewtwo
– Press a button in the attack interface when your Pokemon has the Mega Stone attached to it to activate Mega Evolution
– Battle the professor using Mega Evolution
– Use Mega Mewtwo and battle Chandelure, Dragonite and Crobat
– Fennekin has the moves Psybeam, Flame Charge, Fire Spin and Tail Whip
– Helioptile has Tail Whip, Thundershock, Quick Attack & Parabolic Charge
– Professor gives you Mewtwo and teaches you about Mega Evolution
– After the battle, a video runs of the game

Source 1, Source 2

Typically, we shy away from posting news about the Pokemon anime and movies since they don’t have much to do with gaming. In this case, however, there is a direct relation.

Pokemon: The Origin is based directly on the video games. Red and Green will star in the anime, which airs in Japan on October 2. Whether this is simply a special or a series of its own remains to be seen.

Source, Via

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