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Nintendo’s online service for sharing 3DS screenshots to social networking sites has seemingly been updated with support for several other games on the console. Previously the website only supported posting screenshots from Animal Crossing: New Leaf, but now you can share all your Style Savvy outfits, Art Academy pieces and Freakforms…things with others on Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr (sorry Myspace!). Full list of games supported over the break…

Nine Realms, Inc. is a company that most probably haven’t heard of. The business was established by Human Head president and owner Paul MacArthur in November 2011.

Believe it or not, this unknown company does appear to have a relationship with Nintendo – or did at one point.

One of the studio’s supposed staffers says on his CV that he worked on design and development for an upcoming Nintendo IP. And in 2012, Human Head/Nine Realms was hiring part-time Japanese staffers for translations of “project documentation, written correspondence, and live [conversation],” which sounds like could have something to do with that mysterious game.

Curious stuff. Curious indeed. Could this title still be in development?


Platinum Games has updated its Wonderful 101 blog with a fifteenth post. You can find it here. Today’s update covers Gearthjerk’s top forces.

Sonic Lost World will introduce a new 360 degree “Tube Stage”, according to Sonic the Hedgehog series producer Takashi Iizuka. This is presumably the special stage types we’ve seen in previous Sonic titles, but taken to a new level.

Iizuka understands that some may have doubts about the gameplay mechanic, but he mentioned how people also questioned if Sonic itself could really be imagined in 3D.

In an interview with Famitsu, Iizuka stated:

“In 2011, we delivered a compilation of Sonic games from the past 20 years, called Sonic Generations. Next is Sonic Lost World, which will feature graphics that fit the game’s content, nice controllability, and a new 360 degree ‘Tube Stage’ that has yet to be seen. We are thinking of showing off a new Sonic that is different from everything before.”

“Yes, I believe some people may ask ‘Will you be able to show how fun Sonic can be using a 360 degree stage?’ just like how some asked ‘Will it really be possible to have it in 3D?’ which was the kind of question that helped in the creation of Sonic Adventure. I believe Sonic Lost World will deliver a new experience for everyone. It will also have data transfer between the Nintendo 3DS and Wii U, so please look forward to it.”


While this shouldn’t come as a surprise, Wii U will not be getting the newly announced Call of Duty: Ghosts Collector’s Editions. Retailers list the “Hardened Edition” and “Prestige Edition” for all console platforms except for Nintendo’s own home system.

Very few publishers have supported Wii U when it comes to special editions. As an example, Warner Bros. just announced a collector’s edition version of Batman: Arkham Origins today, but Wii U isn’t included.

Thanks to LetsPlayWiiU for the tip.

Harmonix will be removing more songs from the Rock Band Music store due to expired licensing commitments. Those who make purchases prior to the removal period will still be able to access the content, however.

One song will be removed on August 28 – T.Rex’s Bang A Gong.

And the following songs will be taken down on September 30:

Dan Tudge, formerly the Electronic Arts VP and executive producer, has joined n-Space. The company named the Dragon Age: Origins director as president today.

Studio co-founder Dan O’Leary was n-Space’s previous president. He’ll now act as CEO of the studio.

O’Leary said in a statement:

“This move marks an important inflection point in n-Space’s 18+ year history. Like many independent developers, we have faced great challenges in the past 5 years, but I’m happy to say that, in spite of it all, we are once again stable, growing and working on great games with amazing partners. Dan’s passion, expertise and experience will help continue that trend, paving the way to even greater opportunity, stability, and success in the future.”


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