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Mushibugyo 3DS site open

Posted 11 years ago by in 3DS, News | 0 comments

The Mushibugyo 3DS site is now open for business. You can find it here. Visitors can watch the game’s first trailer, or check out a Japanese commercial.

According to the latest Media Create data, Wii U has reached the one million units sold mark in Japan. The system’s total now stands at roughly 1,005,000 units. We don’t have the exact date for the milestone, but we know that it took place sometime between July 15 and July 21.


Video is posted after the break due to auto-play.

This week’s Famitsu confirms that all songs from the original Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai will return for Project Mirai 2. Additionally, five brand new songs have been confirmed in the magazine. Adolescence, Cendrillon, Skeleton Orchestra and Lilia, and The Celestial Fox will be included in the 3DS game.


Siliconera recently chatted with Ace Attorney series producer Motohide Eshiro and Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies scenario director Takeshi Yamazaki. You can find the full thing here, but there are a couple of points that stand out.

First, there’s a vague hint from Yamazaki that Dual Destinies could be the start of its own series. The first three Phoenix Wright games kind of stand together as their own trilogy, and Capcom could be thinking of doing something similar starting with Dual Destinies.

“It takes place a year after the previous game [Apollo Justice], so it’s a continuation of that story, so in a way you can think of it as a direct link to that one, as part of a new series, so to speak.”

This week’s GameStop ad is now live. Highlights include Injustice: Gods Among Us and Skylanders Giants for $40.

The full lineup of offers can be found in the ad below.



The latest batch of Puzzle & Dragons Z cover the additions and premium subtractions from the mobile version and more. You can find a convenient summary below.

– Numerous freemium features from the mobile version are being removed
– Game will have more RPG elements including fields to explode
– 3DS game won’t have Magic Stones (chance to acquire rare monsters and recover your stamina to continue playing, in exchange for cash)
– Also being removed is the team cost feature (limited what kind of monsters you could have in your party)
– 70-80% of the monsters will be brand new
– NPCs will provide hints and strike up conversation
– Level up system will be included
– Players will need “Chips” in order to evolve monsters
– Chips will also have various patterns in the evolution process
– Trade monsters with friends
– Character cards store all of your player data
– Friend registration system: your friend’s leader monster can appear as a helper in your battles


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