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The latest Japanese hardware sales from Media Create are as follows:

3DS LL – 37,536
Vita – 21,399
3DS – 17,897
PS3 – 14,682
Wii U – 8,262
PSP – 7,536
Wii – 1,660
Xbox 360 – 490

For comparison’s sake, here are the hardware numbers from last week:

3DS LL – 57,089
3DS – 18,833
Vita – 15,011
PS3 – 13,915
Wii U – 8,798
PSP – 7,816
Wii – 1,379
Xbox 360 – 515

The Famicom possessed an interesting color scheme. These days, we typically don’t see hardware that is covered in red, gold, and white colors.

Masayuki Uemura, a former Nintendo hardware designer, cleared up some misconceptions as to why the color scheme was chosen while speaking with Weekly Playboy:

“Originally, the inexpensive steel body we planned to use was too fragile, so we changed it to a highly durable plastic.”

Week 2: Complete! Onwards to this place… whatever it is!

If you want to play along and discuss during the week, check out our forum thread here. If you missed out on the first week but you still want to participate, you’re looking at a total of about 11 hours of game-time this week to catch up!

“How far do I have to get this week?”
Deadline for email submissions this week: May 4th

Since last week we obtained the fourth and fifth Stars (out of seven!) in the game, this week we’re just going to gather up the last of the seven stars! Don’t beat the final boss yet though– we’ll do that last section and a post-mortem on the game next week!

Also, please do not send us emails discussing portions of the game beyond where the book club is. We want to avoid spoilers and we don’t want to feel unable to answer your questions/respond to your comments, so if you’ve gotten ahead of everyone (which is fine!) do your best to only talk about the parts that we’ve all agreed upon. :]

Hit the break for info on how to participate in a discussion, plus other ‘Frequently Asked Questions’!

Edit: I changed the podcast picture. It was too weird.

Despite being a bit late (sorry about that!), we managed to squeeze out another episode this week, and it was yet another great one! I don’t know what we’re drinking, but it’s making our podcasting skills way better– and way more fun for us! This week is all the regular stuff, a list about the top ten Wii U system sellers, and our week three discussion of Super Mario RPG!

Oh, I said at the beginning that it was “1:11PM”, but that was wrong. I can’t read clocks apparently, because it was actually 11:11PM.

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Mario Bros. will be hitting the Japanese eShop as a Famicom download on May 8 for 500 yen. Screenshots of the game can be found above.


Jett Rocket II: The Wrath of Taikai was originally scheduled for Q1 2013. But lately, we’ve heard rumblings that the 3DS eShop game has been pushed back to Q3. This is indeed the case, Shin’en has confirmed to us.

What we have seen from Jett Rocket II thus far mostly encompasses 2.5D gameplay as well as levels that are slightly reminiscent of Super Mario 3D Land. But thanks to the extra time provided by Jett Rocket II’s delay, Shin’en will now be able to add in “real” 3D levels that are just like the ones featured in the original Jett Rocket for WiiWare.

Shin’en’s Manfred Linzner told us that it “was quite a challenge to make that in 60fps”, but the folks at the studio “like a good challenge.” Linzner believes that Jett Rocket II “is the only game that has free roaming 3D levels in 60fps/stereo on 3DS.”

Shin’en provided Nintendo Everything with a first look at one of Jett Rocket II’s true 3D levels – you can find the image above.

Listings on Nintendo’s website have revealed some of the games included in this week’s Nintendo Download for North America. The complete lineup should be announced early Thursday morning.

Wii U VC

Pac-Man – $4.99
Mega Man – $4.99

Wii U download

Kung Fu Rabbit

3DS download

Gummy Bears Magical Medallion

Believe it or not, there are quite a few (to put it mildly) Wii owners that aren’t really sure what a Wii U is. Some are under the misguided impression that the hardware is nothing more than an upgrade or add-on for the Wii.

One way in which Nintendo is looking to clarify things for consumers is through new messaging. On the Wii, users have started to receive a notification from the Big N stating that the Wii is “not just an upgrade – it’s an entirely new system”.

This is just one piece of the puzzle. What else will Nintendo do to inform consumers that the Wii U is something completely new?


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