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Cloudberry Kingdom is still without a final release date, but it has received a new launch month. Wii U owners can expect the game to hit the eShop in March.

Alongside Cloudberry Kingdom, Pwnee Studios is working on a brand new project.

The studio teased:

“In the meantime we are already under way developing a new game! No title yet, but concept art and game-play is being designed as we speak, and we will be launching a Kickstarter campaign very soon to help fund our development.”

Might this new title land on Wii U as well?


Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is in development for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, but not Wii U. Producer Yuji Korekado confirmed to Kotaku that the game isn’t in development for the console.

But why? When asked for an explanation, Korekado said:

“We really developed the game based on these two consoles [PS3, 360] and the Wii U, we think, is unique in a way that the controller is innovative and the entire console’s pretty much not hand-in-hand with the consoles that we’re making it for now. So if we were going to make it for the Wii U we’d have to start from zero again and really design something for that console, so we could say 100% that it was a good game for this console.”

Korekado was then asked if Wii U could run the Revengeance engine.

Korekado replied:

“I haven’t really tried it, so I’m not quite sure.”


Now that Nintendo Land’s development is over and done with, some of the game’s developers chatted in Famitsu this week for a postmortem. Some of the game’s developers such as producer Katsuya Eguchi and director Yoshikazu Yamashita provided a bunch of commentary about Nintendo Land.

Head past the break to read up on the team’s thoughts regarding online multiplayer and more.

NBA 2K13 senior producer Rob Jones believes that the franchise could be the best on Wii U – when looking at all three consoles – if the team truly focused its efforts on Nintendo’s home system.

Jones told Player Attack:

“I think that… if we focussed in on [Wii U], the experience on it could be superior, in my mind, to the other two consoles.”

escapeVektor is due out on the 3DS eShop on December 20 for $9.99 / €9.99.

Quick heads up: we have to do another round of maintenance on NE/GE tomorrow. Some caching stuff still needs to be addressed. Most of you may not notice anything at all while this is taking place, but if anything seems out of whack, be aware that it’s intentional!

Donkey Kong’s Man Land

News, what we played, complaint corner, and “this week in news, 5 years ago” make their returns. The list this week is our top five Nintendo Land attractions, and our discussion is a wonderfully saturated talk about “autopilot gaming”.

I would seriously love to hear what all of you guys think about this whole “autopilot gaming” thing I’m starting to latch onto. Do you think I’m right? Wrong? What games do you “autopilot” through? General thoughts? Comments section!

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Donkey Kong Image from the DeviantArt page of “KeeleTheMan”. I don’t know him/her, but check out their page here!

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