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A little bit of fan art for the weekend. deviantART user “jmatchead” describes his image as “an idea for how Kid Icarus’ comeback would have looked had Sakurai and HAL Labs. gotten their hands on it back in the day.”


Ubisoft appears to be working on a project based on The Avengers.

Marvel Characters, Inc. registered the domain name “” through brand protection company MarkMonitor. The site is now sitting on Ubisoft’s nameservers, and

Last year, THQ Brisbane’s cancelled Avengers title leaked out. It looked incredibly promising, but it was cancelled once the studio shut its doors. The game would have featured first-person gameplay, co-op, and a heavy roster filled with characters such as Hulk, Iron Man, Captain America, and Thor.

Another day, another 3DS VC rating from a classification board. Today’s news comes from the PEGI, who has rated Vampire: Master of Darkness. The title will appear on the eShop as a Game Gear download sometime down the road.


RollerCoaster Tycoon 3D may have suffered another delay. GameStop is listing a June 19 release date for the title. Amazon, meanwhile, still says it’ll be out on May 22.

One of these retailers is wrong. Atari hasn’t actually provided a final, official date, so they’ll need to clarify this situation soon.

A few days ago, Nicalis shared the surprising news that the company wouldn’t be publishing La-Mulana on the North American/European Wii Shop Channels. Nicalis made the announcement even though the game had been confirmed for both regions close to three years ago.

Now Nigoro is sharing their side of the story. La-Mulana’s director Takumi Naramura answered a few questions in an IndieGames interview, commenting on publisher agreements, contracts, any possible deadlines, and more.

Head on past the break for Naramura’s words.

XSEED delivered a batch of pretty screenshots/art of The Last Story today as part of a media blast. You can find all of the images in the gallery above.

Is Wii U a next-gen system? That’s what some people have been debating. One group will say no, while another will say yes. It doesn’t help that there are developers out there who are labeling the console as a stop gap in-between generations.

However, EA Sports general manager of football Cam Weber ultimately believes that the Wii U is a true next-gen system.

When Weber was asked by Game Informer if he really sees the system as a next-gen platform, he said:

“Absolutely. It’s a [new] platform with a new controller input, so we’ll do everything we can to deliver an experience that will take advantage of the hardware for that consumer.”


The UK Nintendo Channel has outed the European release date for “Art of Balance Touch!”. Shin’en WiiWare to 3DS port will arrive hit the eShop on May 24.

A North American release date hasn’t been announced, but we’re hoping it’s not too far away.


Shin’en is one of the most dedicated and technically capable Nintendo developers, and they’ve been making games for many, many years now. We’ve seen the company pull off some impressive visuals on the Game Boy Advance, DS, WiiWare, and 3DS.

When the GBA was still alive and kicking, Shin’en was working on a racer that incorporated 3D polygons. Shin’en boss Manfred Linzner feels that the studio’s prototype was “amazing”, but it was shelved “because we had too much retail work to do at that time.”

According to Linzner:

“We had a racing game on GBA that used 3D polygons. We still have that prototype – and it’s amazing – but it was never finished because we had too much retail work to do at that time.”


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