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Is the official site for Dragon Quest X? We probably won’t know for sure until Monday. The only text you’ll find on the site right now is “But the door was firmly closed.”


Square Enix will be holding a press conference on Monday to unveil a new Dragon Quest game. One would think that the mystery title is X, a game that has been in development for Wii for many years.

Along with the announcement, Square Enix will also provide video footage.

The whole conference can be watched on UStream here at 14:00 (1 AM EDT).

Thanks to Thomas N for the tip!


Star Fox 64 3D videos

Posted 13 years ago by in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

Capcom is breathing new life into the on-rails Resident Evil shooter games for Wii. Umbrella Chronicles and The Darkside Chronicles will be re-released in Japan under a new “Value Pack” label. The new item is due out on September 29 for 3,990 yen.


On this week’s episode: Star Fox 64 3D, Nintendo Select games, The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask and Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked.

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