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Pokedex 3D trailer

Posted 13 years ago by in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

Update: The forum seems to have 100% functionality, though staying logged in on the main site appears to be an issue. We’ll look into that!

I just realized that the forum kept logging people off about every 5 minutes! That was a result of the technical stabilizability that we were aiming for earlier. With any luck, the site shouldn’t be down today and you should also be able to log into the forum now.

I hope.

Please send us an email if you see any issues!

Nintendo Week (6/6)

Posted 13 years ago by in 3DS, DS, Videos | 0 comments

Sorry about little downtime there. Our technical overlord was trying to ensure that the sites won’t go down later in case of traffic overload. Have to be cautious!

Anyway, Nintendo’s E3 2011 conference starts in just a few hours. I’ll be making posts on the site until then, but keep in mind that you can look forward to a live-blog from Austin (granted he has access to Wi-Fi in the Nokia Theater). Additionally, I’ll be posting live news updates on the site. As I’ve said previously, it’s very possible that you’ll see something on the blog but not on the site, and vise versa. So you may just want to keep tabs on both.

I’ll be making another post before the conference. I believe Austin will try to have the live blog ready by 10:45 AM EDT, so check back on the site for that.

3DS gets first major update

Posted 13 years ago by in 3DS, News | 0 comments

After a slight delay, the 3DS eShop is now open for business. That’s just one numerous features enabled in a major system update that just went live a few moments ago. Gamers can also use the system’s Internet browser and transfer DSiWare games from their DSi/DSi XL system to the 3DS. Supposedly system owners can enable automatic updates as well.

Well, Nintendo has about three and a half hours to get this 3DS update up. I was constantly checking to see if it was available during Sony’s conference, but nope… still isn’t here! I don’t know what’s taking so long, though I’ll be sure to make a post on the site the moment it goes live.

IGN editor Lucas Thomas appears to be aware of something Nintendo-related. And that something is a secret. Thomas recently teased Nintendo fans with the following blurb:

“Hey hey IGN boardies, Lucas here checking in from the IGN War Room at E3. It’s time to get hyped, Nintendo fans. I think you’re going to be very pleased with what you’re going to see very soon! I could give you guys a clue, but you’d have to chase me down. You guys have some great guesses. I think that clue is all I can offer right now, but I’ll be back with another nugget sometime before the Nintendo’s briefing kicks off tomorrow morning.”

Is it a first-party game? Third-party title? Project Cafe related? I have no idea, but I can’t wait to find out!


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