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Game Info:

System: Wii
Category: Music
Players: 1-4
Release date: September 28, 2010
Developer: Vicarious Visions
Publisher: Activision

Over the past several years, a number of different gaming competitors have challenged Guitar Hero in the music genre. Similar products have been introduced, with the main one being Rock Band. Guitar Hero has been around since 2005, and has seen a number of different versions since then. As a result, some fans have felt that the franchise has started to become a bit unfocused and stale. With increasing competition and decreasing sales, Activison has decided to liven up the license by making Warriors of Rock similar to the original title, which was very well-received. However, even though the game is very well-made, it doesn’t stray too far away from where fans have become accustomed.

A few months ago, Sony’s Shuhei Yoshida mentioned working together with Nintendo to help promote 3D. It’s true that the two companies are offering different experiences, but but at the end of the day, it’s necessary to get the word out about the technology. Peter Dille, Senior Vice President of Marketing at Sony Computer Entertainment America, expressed sentiments similar to Yoshida’s in an interview with Siliconera. Dillie is hoping that Nintendo does well with the 3DS so that consumers become interested in 3D in general.

“Our perspective is they are doing something different and that’s what Nintendo does. They’ve got their own view, Sony has their own view. Our hope is they do it well because we’re big advocates of 3D. We need consumers to have good 3D experiences. I actually haven’t seen much of their technology. I know people are excited about it. I’ve heard a little bit that if you move your head a certain way you might lose the image. I just hope they do a great job, building a great 3D platform so people are interested in other 3D platforms. Because, collectively, we need to make sure a consumer has a good experience with 3D however they’re experiencing it so they have an interest in more 3D.”

This information comes from THQ’s Danny Bilson…

“That one is changed. It’s changed. It’s going to be a different–we actually changed the design and are doing something more unique. This is just creative but we wound up feeling the game we were building was too much like a section of Saint’s Row that you could play in Saint’s Row. Now we’ve come up with a new design with a completely original game mechanic and we’re building out something that supports Saint’s Row with that. Because you don’t want to play something that you can play within the main experience. It’s actually a really cool, unique game we haven’t announced yet for Xbox Live.”

That sounds a bit mysterious, doesn’t it? I wonder what THQ is planning for the game… It’d be nice if the company were to share a trailer or a few screenshots of the project. We know virtually nothing about the title at the moment!


Rango the Video Game to Launch Alongside Paramount Pictures’ Upcoming Animated Feature Film

REDWOOD CITY, Calif. – November 4, 2010 – Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ: ERTS) and Paramount Digital Entertainment today announced a distribution agreement that will catapult an upcoming Paramount property into the hands of gamers worldwide. Rango The Video Game, is an action-adventure title inspired by the upcoming animated feature film starring the voice of Johnny Depp.

Rango The Video Game invites players to continue on Rango’s wild journey through new adventures inspired by the movie. The game is set in the Old West town of ‘Dirt’ where players romp through a gritty, pint-sized, Wild West filled with wild rides, off-color characters and frantic shoot-outs. Rango is Paramount Pictures’ first full-length animated feature film; both the film and the video game will be released in March 2011.

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