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Update: More details below

You didn’t really think Square Enix would be keeping the “Kingdom Hearts 3D” title, did you? The company announced a semi-new title for the next entry in the Kingdom Hearts saga. The full title will be “Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance.” A new trailer for the game was shown at Square Enix’s press conference a few moments ago, and we’ll let you know if and when it becomes available online.

– Trailer featured combat in Traverse Town
– Sora/Riku performed acrobatic actions
– Included spinning around street lamps and jumping off of walls
– Tai Yasue is the co-director for the game
– Yasue said the dev. team plans on making a KH game which was not possible to make previously
– Enhance perception and making platforming easier due to 3D
– Sora and Riku playable
– Character switching system

Source, Source 2

N64 on the left, 3DS on the right.

Thanks to Alejandro for the tip!

So… This is going to be a pretty big week for gaming, and Nintendo fans in particular. In case you are unaware of any of the events that will be taking place over the next few days, this rundown might come in handy:

Square Enix 1st Production Dept. Premier

What is it?

Square Enix’s conference to announce new games, and reveal information and trailers for previously announced projects. The event won’t just be for Nintendo systems, but Kingdom Hearts 3D is expected to be there. There could be additional surprises for the 3DS as well. All non-Nintendo news will be posted on Gaming Everything.


I haven’t decided quite yet! The event is taking place at an awful time – 4 AM EST tomorrow morning (Tuesday). So, do I stay up until then? It won’t end until 5 AM EST at the earliest, and then there’s a stream at 6 AM. I’ll try to figure something out, though…

Nintendo Week (1/17)

Posted 14 years ago by in Videos, Wii | 0 comments


Nintendo Week 1/17
Monster Tale Trailer
EA Sports Active NFL Training Camp Trailer
EA Sports Active 2 Info Video
Doc Clock Info Video
Urbanix Info Video
Alien Puzzle Adventure Info Video
Glory Days Info Video

Barcelona, January 17, 2011

American users can now enjoy the comical and addictive fighting game ‘Animal Boxing’ for DSiWare.

Animal Boxing is a fantastic game with detailed and attractive graphics, well worked animations, and a very simple and effective control system.

I think it goes without saying that Shin’en is one of the most technically impressive Wii developers…


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