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“One thing I can talk about is that Pit uses a lot of weapons and this is a very important aspect of the game. There’s a wide variety of very different types of weapons. Each one is very unique and presents a wide range of gameplay possibilities and a multitude of ways to approach different enemies with different weapons. All of this weapon variation makes you feel like you’re playing the game with a brand new character because the feel is so varied when you use different weapons.” – Masahiro Sakurai

In the first Kid Icarus game, there were a few different weapons, but as a general rule the game stayed pretty similar throughout. Uprising is looking like it’s going to have a lot of different gameplay types, and if you match that with a lot of different weapons, it’s sure to be a very diverse experience!

Via Dtoid

This information comes from Nintendo Power…

“I’m really happy that the game was so well received in North America. I definitely want to make a sequel. I’m very busy working on other titles right now, but when the time is right, I would love to make another installment of The World Ends with You.” – Tetsuya Nomura

I’m not too sure how well The World Ends with You sold, but there’s no question that it had an overwhelmingly positive critical reception. There are also a ton of DS owners that greatly enjoyed the title. It’s nice to know that there’s a good chance we’ll see a sequel in the future… Perhaps on the 3DS?

Thanks to Slippy for the tip!

New Okamiden trailer

Posted 14 years ago by in DS, Videos | 1 Comment


– Started out as a Nintendo subsidiary (GameCube/GBA development)
– Was a joint venture, 78% shares for Nintendo, 13% shares for Dentsu
– Dentsu is Nintendo’s advertising firm
– Company struggled, some employees left for Sony
– NdCube has seen a massive overhaul this year, Dentsu’s shares were bought out, Nintendo now the sole proprietor
– Company is now more of a Nintendo R&D rather than a subsidiary
– Company has expanded, second division in Sapporo and Tokyo established, both are close to Nintendo’s branch offices

Mario Party

– Franchise could become less relevant
– Wii Party has been successful
– Lead staff has left Hudson, joined Nd Cube
– Original staff was a join venture, Monegi, created by Nintendo and Hudson
– Nintendo wanted to capture a larger audience with Wii Party than Mario Party could

Metroid: Other M

– Always had plans for a deep story
– Game development became much different than the game that was first conceived
– Because of the advancement in technology/development, Sakamoto has been able to express the story himself, original design team has encapsulated
– Game is a “romantic” project for Sakamoto
– Ideas thought of by Sakamoto that were formed in past years are in the game


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