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Yeah…This is one of the stranger promo videos I’ve seen from Nintendo in awhile.

“Nintendo’s overall performance has fallen short of our expectations, with software down over 30% and Wii hardware units down almost 50%. The company may have faced supply constraints for its hardware, but staple titles like Wii Fit with Balance Board and Wii Play were also well below historical levels. We are hopeful that the supply situation for hardware and for these key titles will correct in March; if not, we think that weak sales may suggest waning consumer support. We expect continued momentum for the PS3 due in part to its list of exclusives in early 2010 (Heavy Rain, God of War III, MLB the Show 10, et al) and Blu-ray compatibility. We are less sanguine about a March or April catalyst for the Wii, as there are no exciting first party exclusives until May (Super Mario Galaxy 2). Over the last several years, the Wii has benefited from being the cheapest console, but a consistently declining tie ratio causes us some pause. We believe that the PS3, with multiple high-profile exclusives and the newly-announced Move Controller, and the Xbox 360, with Project Natal, may begin to cut into Nintendo’s market share later this year, and think that it is possible that the three consoles divide the market more evenly at holiday. The DS continues to sell at an amazing pace, and we expect solid sales in March with the end-of-month introduction of the DSi XL. We also expect solid software contribution in March from the release of the Pokémon games, which we project will sell 5 million units combined world wide. We found the company’s announcement of the 3DS somewhat ill-timed, coming the week before the launch of the DSi XL. In our view, the company’s announcement warned consumers that the DSi XL would be obsolete within a year, and we were surprised at the timing.” – Wedbush Morgan Securities analyst Michael Pachter

I’ve got to admit, Nintendo’s first-party lineup for the first few months of 2010 is bland. However, it’s possible that the company is allowing third-party titles like Red Steel 2 and Monster Hunter Tri to shine. And then we’ve got three fantastic titles – Super Mario Galaxy 2, Sin and Punishment: Star Successor, and Metroid: Other M – all within about a month of each other. Regarding Sony and Microsoft, we’ll have to wait and see if they are able to capture the same type of success Nintendo has with their motion control devices.


And Yet It Moves trailer

Posted 14 years ago by in News, Wii | 0 comments

TopWare secures worldwide IP rights for action/adventure classic and dates new WiiTM version “Shadows of Twilight”

Las Vegas, April 1st 2010 – TopWare Interactive announced today the acquisition of worldwide IP and trademark rights for the fantasy action/adventure franchise Enclave. First up for the series is adaptation of the 2003 PC & XboxTM release for the Nintendo WiiTM console. The classic tale is granted a new dimension of interaction thanks to the WiiTM Remote and the amazing features Nintendo’s console has to offer, adding a refreshing new level of fun!

Familiar gameplay elements from the original award-winning version of the game make a grand return to the stage, complimented by carefully implemented refinements of several of the game’s mechanics. These new features include an updated save system allowing players to bookmark their progress at any time, and an interactive tutorial to allow new audiences to jump right into the action of “Enclave: Shadows of Twilight”. Best of all both storylines are unlocked at the outset, providing 27 different and completely new balanced levels for players to experience right from the start!

NBA Jam details

Posted 14 years ago by in News, Wii | 3 Comments

Remote + Nunchuk: Move with analog, flick remote up to jump, flick down to shoot/dunk. Buttons modify shot types.
Remote only (sideways): D-pad moves, buttons shoot/dunk/etc. No motion controls.
Classic Controller: same.
– Use analog stick to move, flick Wiimote up to jump, flick down to shoot and dunk
– Buttons change shot types
– Classic Campaign: Like the arcade game
– Remix Tour: Has power-ups, bosses, dynamic camera triggered by impressive plays: “this would be the Dynasty mode if Nintendo were to design it.”
– Magic Johnson, Larry Bird are bosses
– Big head mode returning along with other old elements
– Achievements in the game, can use them to unlock stuff
– No online play for now, but it could possibly happen


A bunch of footage from Sonic 4: Episode 1 has been leaked online, but there’s one level in particular that is receiving quite a bit of attention. For reasons I can’t understand, SEGA decided to include some sort of mine cart level in the game that involves rotating the screen and jumping. Unfortunately, it seems like that portion of Sonic 4 will be irritating to complete.

Thanks to Cawdoor for the news tip!

Xenoblade images

Posted 14 years ago by in News, Wii | 0 comments

“It is true. They rock. We have bi-weekly company multiplayer sessions – moving forward with the foundation we laid with TC1 was great in that multiplayer worked from Day 1 of development – which has allowed us to iterate and test a lot of new things…as well as shooting our company management in the face. New weapons, maps, and game modes are no-brainers – but we’ve additionally spent a lot of extra attention on making the experience more rewarding and nuanced for players. A class system is in place where you can set distinct weapon load-outs to include suit upgrades (perks). Weapon sets are a thing of the past. We’ve added a sprint button. Teammates can be revived. In addition to the level rank and ELO matchmaking systems, we have an additional currency system that lets you purchase upgrades, be they weapon and suit upgrades, or different armor pieces to customize your character’s look. On the art front, we’ve more fully embraced the sci-fi, and have a lot more variety in our environments. TC1 multiplayer was a lot fun – but a bit basic. We’re changing that with Conduit 2.” – Josh Olson, producer

“While we are very proud of the online multiplayer action in Conduit 1, we are working very hard to provide a complete multiplayer gaming experience in Conduit 2 by offering more unique gameplay modes, unlockables, perks, character customization, and we are not limiting ourselves to online only any longer. Gamers will be able to compete online and offline via splitscreen and we are very excited about that.” – David Pellas, Conduit 2 developer

It sounds like the actual features behind Conduit 2’s online experience will be great. I’m just a bit worried about what happened with hackers and glitches and the first title. If those issues can be ironed out in the sequel, the online experience will be much more enjoyable.


Xenoblade site open

Posted 14 years ago by in News, Wii | 1 Comment

Second site song:

Site here

Thanks to asso for the news tip!

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