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The following comes from a Computer and Videogames interview with Shigeru Miyamoto:

“This year’s going to be really great for the hardcore Nintendo player, especially with Super Mario Galaxy 2. It’s action-packed software and when I say action-packed software, it’s not just going to show you [pre-set] action movements in the 3D format. Rather, this is action-packed software that you can manipulate with your own will and your own control. I really want many households to be able to have a hands-on experience of Mario Galaxy 2. [Elsewhere] I didn’t have any involvement in Metroid Other M, but it is on its way. And also we are working on the New Legend Of Zelda for Wii. So from this year to the next, I hope that the hardcore-type gamers are really looking forward to the multiple Nintendo titles on Wii. And also, we are working on the [new] Pikmin.” – Shigeru Miyamoto

I definitely agree with Miyamoto on this one! Zelda Wii, Galaxy 2, Other M, Pikmin 3… There’s so many ‘core’ Nintendo titles coming out in the next year or so! It’s a good year to be a Wii owner indeed!

– Developed by Milestone
– Fighting game, featuring bishojo characters from four PC game makers
– No specific franchises mentioned yet
– Four players, simultaneous
– Modes include: Battle Royal, 3-on-1
– Movement controls and network rankings included

There’s no confirmation that this is all true, but it popped up in an online retail listing today. On the other hand, it’s nearly April Fools day…


March 30, 2010 – IRVINE, CALIFORNIA – Atlus U.S.A., Inc. today announced that Trauma Team, its upcoming medical drama experience for Wii, will launch at a newly reduced price point of $39.99. The game, which features six different fields of medicine to master and represents the largest expansion of the bestselling series to-date, offers series fans more variety and deeper gameplay than ever before.

The Last Story details

Posted 14 years ago by in News, Wii | 4 Comments

– Hints at sea travel, big sound element, vehicles
– Director: “Within the world of computer graphics, the feeling of water is remarkably beautiful.”
– Water usage in the world – a waterfall in a cave, larger river in the middle of town, and “the seas upon which the main characters head out.”
– Director feels that sound is necessary to give life to the world: “I believe we’re progressing well with sound effect production. We placed importance on it from the start, and while it is out of the ordinary from a scheduling standpoint, we started sound development simultaneous with the start of production. In the ‘world,’ there exists ‘sound’ that has been running in parallel for a long time. The influence of this will pull the gameplay and cinematics in good directions, I believe.”
– “‘Water’ and ‘Sound’ — while in the supporting role, they’re also primary players.”
– Ruli has canals, effects people’s lives
– Producer: “The canals lead to the sea, and the sea teaches people that in order to head out on adventure, they need ships.”
– Vehicles might be in the game (or at least ships)
– Producer: “The world in an island will expand with the use of ships. Vehicles in a fantasy world are an important tool for getting you excited.”

Source 1, Source 2

Update: Make sure to check out the Japanese trailer, which shows a bit of additional footage.

“The expansion of Grinder to 360 and PS3 and its subsequent change in gameplay and perspective has been somewhat misinterpreted as a universal change across all platforms. We still genuinely love the Wii and would ideally like to see a publishing partner pick up both a FPS Wii version and a third-person action version specific to the 360 and PS3. We have invested more than year into the Wii; the game is extremely fun, and frankly, we wouldn’t want to see that work ‘thrown away’. But when we decided to add the 360 and PS3 platforms it didn’t seem to make much sense to jump on the rainbow chasing treadmill of trying to do the same game for such dissimilar consoles and end up short changing one or the other.” – High Voltage’s chief creative officer, Eric Nofsinger

I don’t know why High Voltage didn’t say this weeks ago! Many gamers were beginning to assume that the Wii version would also be a top-down shooter, while others suspected that it had been canned. Personally, I’d prefer to play The Grinder as a FPS. What about you guys?


Inazuma Eleven 3 boxarts

Posted 14 years ago by in DS, News | 0 comments

480i vs. 1080p

480i vs. 1080p

Thanks to Johannes for the news tip!


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