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Bandai Namco

Ninja Box

CoroCoro has posted the latest video for the Switch game Ninja Box with roughly ten minutes of footage. Get a look at the gameplay below.

Ahead of Western release later this Fall, Bandai Namco has begun publishing English versions of previous introduction trailers for Doraemon Story of Seasons .

Below, fans can view the How To Take Care Of Your Crops video.

Bandai Namco has determined a release date for Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2’s new DLC. Ultra Pack 1 will release on July 11 worldwide, the company confirmed today.

The upcoming DLC includes three new characters. Players will gain access to Vegeta (Super Saiyan God), Vegeta SSGSS Evolved, and Ribrianne.


Japan isn’t the only region with access to God Eater 3’s new demo. Over in North America, the same trial can be downloaded. The demo is located on the official game page on the eShop.

Here’s some footage:

God Eater 3 launches for Switch on July 12.

Thanks to TDude73 for the tip.

To prepare for the July 25 launch, Bandai Namco has issued a commercial for Fishing Spirits Nintendo Switch Version. We’ve included it below.

All sorts of developers have stepped in over the past couple of years to port games to Switch. One such company is Engine Software. The team has helped bring several titles to Nintendo’s console, including The Caligula Effect: Overdose, Into the Breach, and Little Nightmares.

Next up from Engine Software is Ni no Kuni. It’s been confirmed that the studio is specifically behind that version of the game. On its website, Engine Software states that it is “proud to announce we are working with Bandai-Namco and Level-5 to bring their classic tale: Ni no Kuni – Wrath of the White Witch to the Nintendo Switch.”

Ni no Kuni will be available for Switch on September 20.


Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 currently has a big sale running on the Switch eShop. Along with the game itself, a bunch of DLC has been discounted.

Here’s the full lineup:

Update: Bumped to the top. More screenshots have come in, so we’ve made a new galley of them all below.

Original: Bandai Namco has shared the first image of the next DLC character for Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 — Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Evolved Vegeta.

Those interested can view the new character in all his Saiyan glory above.

Source, Via

The next DLC character coming to Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 this Summer has been announced in the latest issue of Weekly Jump magazine (credit to Gematsu for the translation below): Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Evolved Vegeta.

Vegeta’s “Final Flash” is quicker and his “Final Blow” teleports him right next to his opponent. He also has several new moves: “Atomic Blast,” “Final Charge,” “Flash Strike,” “Final Explosion” (Ultimate), and “Final Galick Rush” (New Ultimate). In order to unlock the Awoken Skill, you must obtain the “Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan” Awoken Skill, reach level 95, and max out your friendship level with Vegeta.

Source Via

Bandai Namco will release a demo for God Eater 3 in Japan, the company announced today. A release is planned for June 27. Along with the ability to access the character editor, players will be able to take on a few missions. No word yet on if/when the demo will be distributed outside of Japan.

God Eater 3 launches for Switch in Japan on July 11. The rest of the world will be able to play the title one day later.


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