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Bandai Namco

Tribe Cool Crew: The Game is releasing in Japan on May 28, Bandai Namco announced today. Pricing is set at 5,210 yen for both he retail and digital versions. Those who pre-order the game will receive a 3DS theme (pictured above).

At the Japan Amusement Expo in Chiba, Bandai Namco revealed that Pokken Tournament is coming to Japanese arcades this summer. There was a new trailer as well, though it hasn’t come online just yet. We’ll post it here when it goes live.

Source, Via

Ace Combat Assault Horizon Legacy+ can be purchased either at retail or via the eShop. If you opt for the latter option, keep in mind that the game takes up 5,657 blocks of space on an SD card. The new update is another 80 blocks.



Patches for two new retail games have been added to the European 3DS eShop. One for Ace Combat Assault Horizon Legacy+ is available now, with the Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate update coming soon. We’ll update this post if we hear about similar availability in North America.


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