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Fire Emblem Heroes

Fire Emblem Heroes

Fire Emblem Heroes has a new update coming in early July. Nintendo and Intelligent Systems shared details on what players can expect today.

Version 2.7.0 will include the following:

Fire Emblem Heroes’ next Voting Gauntlet event will begin on July 2nd. It’s called “Fated Battles” and as such, the first round matchups will be four heroes facing their fated rivals from their respective games. You can see the full bracket in the image above. 

To help players prepare for the event, the Fated Battles Summoning Focus has gone live today. The four featured Heroes are Marth: Altean Prince, Hardin: Dark Emperor, Sigurd: Holy Knight and Zelgius: Jet-Black General. The Summoning Focus will be available until July 8th.

Finally, Lyon’s Grand Hero Battle is back today and will be available until July 8th. There are also special quests available for the duration that can get you additional orbs.

The Legendary Hero Hector: Marquess of Ostia summoning focus is now live in Fire Emblem Heroes. This brand new summoning focus will be available until July 5th

Nintendo and Intelligent Systems are introducing a new Legendary Hero for Fire Emblem Heroes. Later this week, Hector: Marquess of Ostia will be added. Other heroes will also appear.

Here’s a trailer:

Hector: Marquess of Ostia arrives on June 28.

We previously reported that a bug had been discovered regarding the recently added Infantry Rush skill in Fire Emblem Heroes. Today, a notification in-game confirms that the bug has now been fixed with version 2.6.1 of the game. Additionally, as an apology, 5 orbs will be distributed to all players on March 28th.

Just a couple of days after this year’s Summer-themed Summoning Focus started in Fire Emblem Heroes, last year’s Summer-themed foci are back for a re-run: both Ylissean Summer and Nohrian Summer will be available for one month, until July 25th.

Fire Emblem Heroes

Fire Emblem Heroes is soon hosting a new Grand Conquests event featuring Valentia as the battlefield. By heading to “Events” and then “Grand Conquest”, players can pre-register before it begins.

In other Fire Emblem Heroes news, a new Blessed Gardens map has been added. Bridge of Fire is here, and you can visit it with four Heroes who are either Fire-type Legendary Heroes or Heroes with a Fire blessing.

Another summoning event is now live in Fire Emblem Heroes. Summoning Focus: Heroes with Death Blow will be up and running until July 6.

Here’s a brief description of the event:

Yesterday, the Summer’s Arrival Summoning Focus went live in Fire Emblem Heroes, and one of the featured Heroes, Noire: Shade Seeker, has a brand new skill: Infantry Rush. What this skill is supposed to do is give infantry allies within two spaces a faster special charge if their attack is higher than their opponent’s. However, a bug has been discovered regarding this skill. Instead of only allies, Infantry Rush affects nearby enemy units as well.

Intelligent Systems have sent out a notice today that they identified this bug and that it will be fixed via a patch within the next few days. As an apology, orbs will also be sent out to all players.

Alongside the new summer-centric summoning focus for Fire Emblem Heroes, the mobile game has received some Paralogue Maps. Check out footage of the content below.

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