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Fire Emblem Heroes

Fire Emblem Heroes’ new Grand Hero Battle with King Michalis was added in earlier today. Footage showing the latest event can be found below.

The Grand Hero Battle against Michalis is now live in Fire Emblem Heroes, as well as a new Summoning Focus, Battling Michalis. Winning the challenging Grand Hero Battle will unlock Michalis for your army, with 3 and 4 star versions available for the different difficulties. The Focus will give a higher chance of rolling 5-star versions of Eliwood, Minerva, Gordin, and Selena. Both of these will run until March 28.

Fire Emblem Heroes

Fire Emblem Heroes has added a new series of Quests, the Lunatic Challenge Special Quests. These will run until April 7, and they challenge players to beat certain story missions (namely each mission from Chapters 1, 5, and 9) on the Lunatic difficulty with every teammate surviving and specific types of Heroes on their team. The challenges for Chapters 1 and 5 each provide 1 Orb, and the challenges for Chapter 9 provide 2 Orbs each, allowing players to earn up to 20 extra Orbs.

Also, the prizes for the Michalis preview event are now being distributed, providing 10 Orbs, 5,000 Hero Feathers, and 10 Stamina Potions to players for logging in.

The game also requires a small .1 MB data download.

Update: Results of the Michalis preview event: 54,666 players cleared the Hard battle, and 13,415 cleared the Lunatic battle. Everyone gets 10 Orbs, 10 Stamina Potions, and 5,000 Hero Feathers (thanks Brian).

Original: As was previously announced, the second Starter Support bonus map in Fire Emblem Heroes is now live. It’s available in two difficulties, Normal and Hard, and you get 3 orbs each for clearing them.

Also, this next piece of news flew a bit under the radar. The next Grand Hero Battle featuring Michalis will begin on Friday, March 24th, as the in-game notice describes – however, for some reason only the Japanese version of the game announced the following on top of that: on Monday, March 20th from 12:15 PM CET to 1 PM CET (roughly 90 minutes after this post went live), a special early preview of the Michalis Grand Hero Battle will be available. During that time, players can attempt both the Hard and Lunatic versions of the battle to try and get Michalis early. There will also be rewards sent out to all players the more people can beat the map during this limited time frame:

Hard & Lunatic clear rewards:

In addition to the Starter Support event, those of you playing Fire Emblem Heroes on an Android device will find another nice surprise waiting for you: a free 4-star (female) Corrin. While she’s not the most powerful unit ever, she might be a good candidate to test the new skill inheritance system.

Again, she is only being sent out to Android users – no such luck for people playing the game on an Apple device.

A new set of Quests based on the Training Tower has begun in Fire Emblem Heroes. The Quests will run until April 3, and completing each one will unlock 3 Orbs. Each Quest must also be completed with all four allies surviving. The Quests are as follows:

The Inherit Skill feature has finally arrived to Fire Emblem Heroes. It allows you to transfer skills from one Hero to another.

Picking two Heroes, you can send up to three skills from one of them to the other. The Hero transferring the skills over will be removed from you army afterwards. Some skills are non-transferable, and some cannot be transferred between different types of Heroes. For example, you cannot send a character’s weapon over to another character who has a different weapon type. Also, you cannot use Heroes who are listed as your favorite as a source.

Once the skill is transferred, it is not automatically unlocked. It must be unlocked through SP, and the SP cost will be 1.5 times as much as it was for its original Hero.
If a transferred Skill can be learned by a Hero by raising their star rating, though, the cost will be the regular amount.

Fire Emblem Heroes

Fire Emblem Heroes launched around the world last month. New information gives us a better idea as to how it’s performing thus far.

Based on data from App Annie, Fire Emblem Herowas was the fifth highest grossing mobile title in Japan during February. It also had the ninth spot in the US when apps such as Netflix are removed.

Thanks to Fire Emblem Heroes’ early success, Nintendo was the ninth highest grossing mobile publisher in February.


The next Grand Hero Battle in Fire Emblem Heroes will start on March 24. The battle will be against Michalis, the Ambitious King, and will most likely unlock him for your army like the previous events.


Fire Emblem Heroes has announced a pretty massive update slated for April. The update will include some tweaks to the basic game, as well as a few new features. These are as follows:

  • Merging Heroes will allow one Hero to inherit the Skills of another. Previously, merging Heroes only granted bonus stats, but now it will allow duplicate Heroes to pass on skills they have learned.
  • Hero Merit: a new stat for Heroes. Different Heroes will gain Hero Merit by participating in battles and, once their Merit is high enough, will earn Hero Feathers. Duplicate Heroes will share the Merit stat.
  • New battle rule sets: there will be two new rules on battles. Defense maps will be beaten by lasting a certain number of rounds, rather than clearing all enemies. Some maps will also have Reinforcements, where more enemy units will spawn.
  • Arena matchmaking: being tweaked to increase score and balance. Players will no longer be matched up against opponents based on total base stats, but rather on four factors: character levels/ratings, bonuses gained through Merge Allies, total base stats after removing skills, and equipped skills.
  • Notifications will only display once a day.
  • You can view descriptions of Bonus Heroes in the Arena.
  • There are also more Grand Hero Battles on the horizon, with time frames as follows:

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