Examining Pokemon X and Y’s lost story via an old leak
Posted on 6 months ago by Ethan in 3DS, Features | 0 comments
Today, we’re looking at a Pokemon X and Y leak from March 2014 that contained cut story elements that wound up reused in subsequent games.
Pokemon X and Y were the first main series game in full 3D. All of the characters, environments, and the Pokemon themselves were fully modeled and animated for the first time ever, which marked a big leap forward for the series. Despite this giant leap in technology, though, X and Y aren’t exactly the most loved Pokemon games (though they do have their fair share of dedicated fans). In a strange way, X and Y are something of an anomaly. Generation 6 is the only generation that didn’t have a third version game, for instance – there was never a Pokemon Z or a Pokemon X2 or Y2. In fact, Zygarde had new forms introduced to it in Pokemon Sun and Moon, a completely separate generation. So what happened here?
In March 2014, a user going by the name “XYSider” posted a giant leak on 4chan discussing story points and mechanics that wound up cut from the final game due to time constraints. This leak is absolutely huge in terms of size, so we’re not writing today on the assumption that it’s all true. That being said, for being posted in March 2014, a few elements from this leak wound up coming true in some way or another in future games. So today, we’re taking a look at every part of this leak and examining all of the things that came to fruition – either coincidentally or because maybe it was real – in Pokemon games that came after X and Y.
More: Game Freak, highlight, Pokemon X, Pokemon Y, top
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet start Sylveon distribution for 2024 World Championships
Posted on 6 months ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
The 2024 Pokemon World Championships event is now in full spring, and to celebrate, a new distribution just went live that offers a special Sylveon.
This Sylveon was the same used by Tomoya Ogawa for his win in the 2023 Championships. It comes in at Level 50, has the Pixilate Ability, and uses Choices Spee as its item. The lineup of moves are Hyper Voice, Tera Blast, Hyper Beam, and Sleep Talk.
Here’s how to get involved with the new distribution:
More: Game Freak, Pokemon Scarlet, Pokemon Violet
7 Star Dondozo guide for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
Posted on 7 months ago by Ethan in Guides, Switch | 0 comments
The 7 Star Dondozo Tera Raid Battle for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is live now, and we have a guide for it ready to go. For this particular event, Dondozo is running Tera Water, which will further increase the strength of its Water-type moves. The event lasts until August 8, so you’ve got plenty of time to prepare yourself with one of the counters we’ve listed here.
More: Game Freak, Pokemon Scarlet, Pokemon Violet
Best Pokemon games of all time, ranked
Posted on 7 months ago by Ethan in 3DS, DS, Features, Switch | 0 comments
Today, we’re going over the best Pokemon games of all time – more specifically, the top 10 main series Pokemon games. Spin-offs don’t count for this particular list, but there are definitely plenty of those that are more than worth playing in the modern day.
The Pokemon series is, in a way, difficult to write about. At present, the series isn’t quite in a lull, per se, but it’s also most certainly not at its peak. Developing games is difficult, and for a never-ending media franchise like Pokemon, deadlines can be tough to meet. Over the past few years, titles like Sword and Shield and especially Scarlet and Violet have drawn criticism for several reasons. Though the design quality of individual Pokemon has remained strong, things like the graphics, performance, and postgame content have become somewhat inconsistent. This leads us to ask: what do you think are the best Pokemon games of all time? We’ve made our own list, so be sure to let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
More: Game Freak, highlight, Pokemon, top
Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire could have had different names
Posted on 7 months ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, GBA, News | 0 comments
Despite launching over two decades ago, fans have seemingly just now found a new tidbit about Pokemon Ruby and Pokemon Sapphire that reveals the games could have received different names.
Farore.Gba was recently looking through the code and posted what was found on social media. “Indigo Version” and “Crimson Version” were both spotted, so it seems that both were potential titles at some point. Note that these are rough translations. Also, no one can say for certain how far into development the alternate names were being considered.
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet detail summer Tera Raid Battle events
Posted on 8 months ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
We only typically hear about new Tera Raid Battle events for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet one at a time, but a smattering of them were just announced.
New activities are planned starting at the end of this upcoming week. Pikachu, Dondozo, Gimmighoul, and Dragonite will be featured.
More: Game Freak, Pokemon Scarlet, Pokemon Violet
7 Star Sceptile guide for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
Posted on 8 months ago by Ethan in Guides, Switch | 0 comments
The 7 Star Sceptile Tera Raid Battle event for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is live now, and we have a guide for it ready to go. For this event, Sceptile is running Tera Dragon, which means it’s only weak to Dragon, Ice, and Fairy-type moves. The first wave of the event lasts until June 30, but it comes back for a second wave from July 5 to July 7. We’ve come up with a few counters you can bring to the battle here!
More: Game Freak, Pokemon Scarlet, Pokemon Violet
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet announce Tera Raid Battle event with Sceptile
Posted on 8 months ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet just revealed their latest Tera Raid Battle event, and this time around, Sceptile will be the featured creature.
Players will be able to encounter Sceptile, who’s carrying the Dragon Tera Type, in 7 Star Raids. It will carry the Mightiest Mark per usual.
More: Game Freak, Pokemon Scarlet, Pokemon Violet
7 Star Emboar guide for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
Posted on 8 months ago by Ethan in Guides, Switch | 0 comments
The 7 Star Emboar Tera Raid Battle event for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is now live, and we have a guide for it ready to go. For this event, Emboar is running Tera Electric, so it’s only weak to Ground-type attacks. The first wave of the event ends on June 16, but it comes back from June 21 to June 23 – this should give you plenty of time to prepare a counter as per one of our recommendations.
More: Game Freak, Pokemon Scarlet, Pokemon Violet
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet announce Tera Raid Battle event with Emboar
Posted on 9 months ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
There’s yet another special Tera Raid Battle event on the way for Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet, this time featuring Emboar.
Emboar won’t be easy to take down as it will appear in 7 Star Raids. It’s carrying the Emboar Tera Type and as usual, comes with the Mightiest Mark. Just like we’ve seen before, you can catch it just once per save file.