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Masahiro Sakurai

Today’s Super Smash Bros. screenshots finally place the emphasis on the Wii U version once again. Director Masashiro Sakurai showed the return of the Castle Siege stage from Fire Emblem.

Check out today’s images below:


Today’s Super Smash Bros. screenshot gives us a look at the Fighter Records window. Take a look below:

Today’s screenshot gives us a look at Smash’s Streetpass mini game, Sakurai explains:

In this week’s issue of Famitsu, Masahiro Sakurai published his latest bi-weekly column. The Smash Bros. director goes into a number of topics in his piece.

First, regarding the roster, Sakurai mentioned that even though many characters are included, there are some who worry about those who didn’t make the cut. He specifically addresses the absence of the Ice Climbers as well. It seems they were running in the Wii U version, but due to the required hardware power, the team couldn’t make them work in the 3DS game. There wasn’t as high a priority given to series that are unlikely to have another installment at this time.

On the topic of different release dates for Super Smash Bros. on Wii U and 3DS, Sakurai mentions that this was for debugging, which was necessary to avoid there being considerable differences between the two versions. If both games had a shared release date, a launch in 2015 may have occurred.

Finally, Sakurai shared a tidbit about the trophies in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U 3DS. Akihiro Toda – known for the texts in the Mother series – wrote the descriptions.


Sakurai eases up on the feature talk today and instead opts for a helpful gameplay tip for players:

With the release of the 3DS version in Japan, Sakurai also took some time to clarify how screenshots will be handled going forward:

Announcement: Originally, the pic of the day was only supposed to continue for about two months, but I’ve ended up posting pictures until even today. The 3DS version has already been released in Japan, so I would like to talk about how future posts will be handled.

First, I will not talk about hidden features until the game is released overseas. On the other hand, I definitely will talk about them after the game is released abroad.

In addition, I am planning to continue making posts at least until the Wii U version is released. I haven’t decided if I’ll go by the Japanese version release or the release of versions abroad, but the point is that I’ll continue posting for a little bit longer.

Pic of the day won’t focus on introducing new information anymore in the near future, but I hope to entertain you with interesting and funny photos like I originally intended to. Thanks.

Smash is officially out in Japan and today Sakurai talks a little bit about some features that will be prevalent when the game is out worldwide:

He continues, reminding us to connect online in case of any potential updates:



Even if you don’t want to be spoiled, it might be wise to select the Online option at least once before you start the game. Your Global Smash Power won’t appear until the first time you connect to the internet. Not only that, but there could potentially be a patch available that can resolve potential issues, like the one being released now for the Japanese version of the game. For the package version, updates can be pre-downloaded to your system even before you purchase the game, so make sure you look out for them.


Now today’s screenshot is a tease and a half! Sakurai talks about the demo on the Japanese eShop perhaps coming outside of the region?

and that’s not all:


The only mode available on the demo version is Smash, but I also left open a feature called Tips. Just remember to tap that button. You’ll figure the rest out once you do.


No surprises here, today Sakurai has another pair of 3DS screenshots again focusing on more menus:

He continues:


And here’s the results screen. It shows what you gained in each stage, but you won’t be rewarded until you clear it all. If you mess up in the middle, you can lose some of them too. The fighter icons are special attacks, and icons like the shield are equipment. The icons that say Mii on them are hats and clothes for Mii characters. Icons that show characters on a stand are trophies, of course, and the coins are gold you earned.

What better way to get hype for the Japanese release with more menu tidbits! Sakurai takes apart another menu today that touches on some 3DS specific features:

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