Natsume localizing River City: Tokyo Rumble for 3DS
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 8 Comments
Update: Natsume has now sent out an official announcement, confirming River City: Tokyo Rumble will be launching this summer in North America. We’ve also added in a bunch of details below.
Following yesterday’s Twitter tease, Natsume has announced that the company is publishing River City: Tokyo Rumble for 3DS. The game will be playable at E3 2016 in June.
Natsume just wrote on Twitter a few minutes ago:
Introducing River City: Tokyo Rumble! Keep watching for details about this #KunioKun 3DS game, playable at E3 2016!
— Natsume Inc. (@Natsume_Inc) April 21, 2016
River City: Tokyo Rumble is the localized version of Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-Kun SP: Rantou Kyousoukyoku. That game came out in Japan back in 2013.
Natsume Twitter tease seems related to River City Ransom
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 1 Comment
Natsume posted a message on Twitter a short while ago which definitely seems to be teasing something related to River City Ransom. Here’s the tweet in question:
Punch! Kick! BARF!
— Natsume Inc. (@Natsume_Inc) April 20, 2016
For those that are unaware, enemies say “barf” when you hit them in the River City Ransom games. There have been quite a few entries in the series that have stayed in Japan, so maybe we’ll be seeing a localization announcement soon. The latest title, River City Ransom SP, came out in Japan on April 28.
More: Natsume, River City Ransom
Super Strike Beach Volleyball trailer
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, Videos | 0 comments
Natsume launched Super Strike Beach Volleyball on the North American and European 3DS eShop this week. The publisher has since uploaded a trailer, which we’ve posted below.
Natsume on why Harvest Moon: Seeds of Memories isn’t on 3DS, support for the system
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Switch | 13 Comments
The fourth portion of Natsume’s winter Q&A with fans was added to the company’s Tumblr page today. Natsume tackled topics about the 3DS (why no Harvest Moon: Seeds of Memories, series and support for the system in general) and NX (not much to say currently). For the latest three questions and answers, head past the break.
More: Natsume
Natsume talks Medabots, choosing games for localization
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 2 Comments
Natsume has published the second portion of its winter Q&A with fans. You can see what the company had to say in part 1 here.
In response to a fan wondering if there’s any news about Medabots, Natsume shared the following:
Nothing new to report on the Medabots front. We’re sadface too. We’re happy we were able to launch all four GBA games (Medabots and Medabots AX, both Rokusho and Metabee editions) on the Wii U Virtual Console. And we are definitely hopeful we’ll get a chance to localize another game in the future.
Natsume also weighed in on how it chooses games for localization:
We have a few guidelines for choosing titles. The first is that the game needs to fit into our company model. That is to say, it is a unique and niche title that has the ability to grow its respective market. Second, we don’t release games that would be rated M. We like to keep everything family friendly. We love taking chances of quirky and special games that might not ever make it to the western market, such as Chulip, A-Train, or Afrika. There are a lot of other factors as well, but those are the basics.
You can find a couple more questions and answers on the Tumblr page here.
Another Harvest Moon: Seeds of Memories video
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U eShop | 6 Comments
Natsume recently published another video for Harvest Moon: Seeds of Memories on mobile, which you can see below. This is likely the last one we’ll be posting until we hear more about the Wii U version.
Harvest Moon: Seeds of Memories gameplay video
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U eShop | 4 Comments
A couple of days ago, Natsume put out a trailer for Harvest Moon: Seeds of Memories’ iOS launch. Another video has hit the web as well focusing on gameplay. View it below.
Harvest Moon: Seeds of Memories trailer
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U eShop | 5 Comments
Today, Natsume brought out Harvest Moon: Seeds of Memories on iOS platforms. The company also released a new trailer – see below – in celebration of its launch. We’re still waiting on the Wii U version, but the video gives us an idea as to what we can expect from the game.
First Harvest Moon: Seeds of Memories gameplay video
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U eShop | 2 Comments
Natsume posted the first official gameplay video from Harvest Moon: Seeds of Memories on its Facebook page today. Although it’s specifically from the iOS build, the footage gives us an idea as to what we can expect from the Wii U version. Take a look at the video below.
Harvest Moon: Seeds of Memories (iOS)
Hello, everyone! This is Taka, the producer of Harvest Moon: Seeds of Memories, a new Harvest Moon game coming to iOS soon as well as Android, Wii U, and PC in 2016. We know fans were very excited by our reveal of our first screenshots for the mobile versions, and we're excited to bring you a new treat today. To show you how Harvest Moon: Seeds of Memories looks in action, we've made a little video for you of the iOS version. But let me step aside and have Mike (that is what I named him, but you can name your character whatever you want) take over…—–Hey there, everyone! Mike here! I thought it might be cool to show you my average day here in Chestnut Town, so let's get right to it.I start the day off by taking care of my pets. I have two: a bobcat and a dog. I still dunno how I was able to train that bobcat, but hey, it hasn't tried to eat me yet! I make sure to feed them both before I leave for the day.After leaving the house, it's time to take care of my crops! Luckily, Brutus has upgraded several of my tools, so watering is a cinch! It looks like there's some spinach that's ready to be harvested today. Perfect timing! I also take this time to clear my land of any stray rocks or weeds that may have popped up overnight.Next, it's time to take care of my animals. First, I clean up the barn using my pitchfork. I can use the compost I clean up as fertilizer, though, so it's not as bad as you might think. Some of my animals need cleaning as well, so I take the time to do that too. Normally, I would also milk and sheer any animals that need it, but it doesn't seem like they do today. Naturally, before I leave, I make sure to leave feed in their feedbox, as they're quite hungry in the morning!After that, it's off to my chicken coop. Just like my barn, I clean it up using my pitchfork. You might not think it to look at them, but chickens need to be loved and held, so I take the time to do that before gathering the eggs they've laid. Just like the animals in my barn, my chickens are hungry in the morning, so I feed them before I leave.Next, it's off to the mountain to see the girl I've got my eye on, Andrea! She's an ore researcher, but also likes to relax at the bar after work. My kinda gal! In any case, I make it a point to talk to her every day, as well as give her a gift. I still haven't confessed my feelings to her, so get kinda nervous when I talk to her these days…While I'm at the mountain, I figure I should get in some fishing for the day. Let's see what I can catch today… A crucian carp? Not bad. And a pretty big one, too!Now it's time to head to Chestnut Town. I want to sell Sam some broccoli, so I talk to him first. Boy, that Sam sure has a unique way of talking! At first, it was a bit difficult to understand what he was saying to me, but now I gots it down, capisce?Next, it's off to Iris' Flower Shop to pick up some flower seeds. I've had my eye on these white rose seeds for a while, so let me get…let's see, how about 15 of them? Oh no! My bag is full! But that's OK! The seeds I just bought were sent directly to the storage in my house, so I can just take them out from there when I get home.After that, I think I'll stop by Hanna's Restaurant to say "hi" to Hanna and her daughter, Emily. Hanna's food is amazing! I've bought some of her recipes so I can cook her dishes at home. Anyway, her daughter Emily is great, too. She's a bit too hyper for my tastes as far as romance goes, but some people like that in a girl. She's a great friend, though!Finally, it's off to bed for the day. *Whew*! I'm exhausted! Farmwork starts early in the morning, so it's best to get to bed around 10 PM or so. And who knows what tomorrow may bring? I need to be prepared for anything!
Posted by Natsume Inc. on Thursday, December 17, 2015
Head on over to the source link for another developer diary for the game.
North American Medabots: Metabee / Rokusho Wii U Virtual Console trailer
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U eShop | 0 comments
Nintendo has uploaded a trailer to promote the release of Medabots: Metabee and Rokusho on the North American Wii U Virtual Console. Check it out below.