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Omega Force

The triforce clock above will come bundled with the special versions of Hyrule Warriors in Japan. It will be included in the Premium Box and Treasure Box.


Here’s the latest on Hyrule Warriors:


– Link’s Rod is a magical weapon capable of producing flames
– It’s capable of shooting flames at a large mass of enemies in a wide range
– The Rod will change form depending on the attack method


– During the sudden crisis in Hyrule Kingdom, Zelda commands the troops while standing directly on the battlefield
– Dignified beauty with a noble and royal atmosphere
– Zelda has calm eyes capable of assessing the course of the war, calmly defend, and bravely attack
– Uses a rapier as her weapon
– Fights in a flowing manner without wasting a single motion


– Fairly minded personality, sharp tongue
– Midna’s gentle on one side, but she’s also a strong female lead
– Cia has altered her appearance
– Midna’s currently hunting for Cia to regain her original form
– Midna fights while riding a Shadow Wolf created by magic
– Can ride the wolf straight into the enemies
– Uses her hair to form hands to viciously strike her enemies or pick them up and fling them away

Palace of Twilight

– Hyrule Kingdom exists as the World of Light
– Another world exists as the Twilight Realm
– The Twilight Realm’s royal family lives in this palace
– The residents of the World of Light and the Twilight Realm are unable to travel into each other’s world, but the two worlds have connected again with someone’s magic

Eldin Volcano

– Sparks fly constantly inside the cave of this active volcano
– With nowhere left to go, lava can erupt straight from the walls, interrupting anyone’s path with naturally produced sea of flames
– Mining have been regularly conducted in the back of the cave, in order to collect good quality ore

Enhancement Items:

– These can appear when you defeat an enemy, or they may appear if you break pots
– Pick one up and the power of an item will increase for a certain amount of time
– The powered up bomb will allow you to blow away large amount of enemies


– One player plays on the GamePad
– The other uses the Wii U Pro Controller or a Wiimote/nunchuck for the TV
– This will allow players to control their characters on their own separate screens

Weak Point

– With strong enemies such as King Dodongo or Lizalfos, there may be opportunities to strike them back after the enemy uses specific attacks
– This opportunity is considered as the weak point
– A gauge will appear on the screen
– It’s possible for the gauge to reduce when you’re exposed to an attack, so feed the gauge for a “Weak Point Smash” before it runs out
– One of the weak point opportunities is when King Dodongo opens his mouth
– If you throw a bomb in there, there will be a huge explosion in his belly
– This will transition into a Weak Point opportunity after this occurs
– Strike repeatedly in order to increase the gauge for a “Weak Point Smash”


We’ve only seen four playable characters in Hyrule Warriors thus far, but there are plenty of additional reveals to come. And apparently, many of them will be female. One of the folks speaking on the latest Treehouse stream mentioned that “at least half” of the roster consists of female inclusions.

Also on the stream, it was stated that another important mode for Hyrule Warriors hasn’t been announced. There should be a lot of reveals to look forward to!

– E3 demo lets you play as Link, Zelda, Midna, and Impa
– Character menu had 9 slots available
– As Link, you can use the Master Sword or Fire Rod
– Mini-map shows an “X” where an objective is
– Players can decide if they want to try to completely wipe out all enemies everywhere or attempt to drive straight to the objectives
– Each objective led Link to an engagement
– This usually involves defeating a stronger enemy
– When fighting King Dodongo, you’ll fill a second gauge
– Once it filled Link initiated a “weak point” attack, which involved him flying into the air and crashing down on the King Dodongo – killing it instantly.
– The demo concluded with some chatter between the Heroes of Hyrule


This information comes from Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma, speaking with Game Informer…

Within the Zelda canon, there is the timeline, but there has always been the sense of the main story and kind of a side story. Like, Majora’s Mask might be considered part of that, though it does exist as part of the timeline. With Hyrule Warriors, there is a link between the two, but it exists as a separate dimension, so it doesn’t exist as part of the main canon. Lately I have been thinking of it similar to The Avengers.

Maybe if you force it in somewhere, but that’s not something we want to do. The universe of Hyrule Warriors really is sort of a different universe and it is connected to the timeline of the Zelda series, but it is connected to several different games throughout the series. If you try and force this into it here [Aonuma places his hands in the air indicating different levels of the timeline], then…that information might not be complete. We really don’t want to put it in the timeline because it has links to the different parts of the timeline.


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