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Pikmin Bloom

Pikmin Bloom Community Day

Much like Pokemon GO, Niantic will be holding Community Days in Pikmin Bloom. The company shared information about what’s planned for the debut event later this month.

First up, Pikmin seedlings in your planter pack will grow at roughly 1.5x the usual speed. Niantic is also planning for fruits to provide twice the usual amount of nectar. Additionally, those who walk 10,000 steps or more will be awarded a special “Community Day Participant” badge. And last but not least, big Flowers will bloom into pansies.

pikmin future

In a new video we’re sharing today, we’re thinking about the future of Pikmin.

At this point, the series has been around for a couple of decades. For some reason though, it doesn’t feel like it and Pikmin still feels fresh to me – maybe because there are only three mainline games (a number that Splatoon is already reaching in seven years). Nintendo seems to be very fond of the IP, promoting it outside of the main games with animations, a 3D spin-off, and now the recently-released mobile title Pikmin Bloom.

With all of this in mind, in today’s video, I decided to talk about the current situation of the series: eight years without a new game, a lot of reports about a “Pikmin 4”, a recent port of Pikmin 3 for the Switch, and now a new mobile game. What do you think lies ahead for the future of the Pikmin series? Watch the video below and share your opinion in the comments.

pikmin bloom update 33.4

A first update for Pikmin Bloom has gone live, as Niantic has brought the game up to version 33.4. There’s nothing new in terms of functionality, but the developer has made a few improvements and implemented bug fixes worth mentioning.

Below are the full patch notes for Pikmin Bloom version 33.4:

Pikmin Bloom US download

The launch of Pikmin Bloom has expanded, as the mobile app has now started to roll out in the US, Canada, and the rest of the Americas. For iOS users, it can be downloaded here. If you have an Android device, you can grab it from here.

Niantic made the surprise launch for Pikmin Bloom this week after the app was first revealed back in March. Initially, it could only be downloaded in Australia and New Zealand. Now, however, you can download Pikmin Bloom if you’re in American regions like the US or Canada.

Here’s some information about Pikmin Bloom:

Pikmin Bloom gameplay

Gameplay has now emerged for Pikmin Bloom, Niantic’s new mobile title that saw a surprise release last night starting in Australia and Singapore. GameXplain’s video shows the initial setup, what happens when you’re walking, the shop, and more.

For those that missed our previous coverage, check out some additional information below:

Pikmin Bloom will begin launching on mobile devices today, Niantic and Nintendo have announced.

The app is set to go live in Australia and Singapore starting today on both iOS and Android. According to Niantic, it will follow in other countries / regions “shortly.”

Pikmin Bloom is the new mobile app made by Pokemon GO developer Niantic, which was announced in partnership with Nintendo back in March. The game involves going on daily walks to find seedlings, plucking Pikmin from seedlings after they grow, feeding them nectar and collecting their petals to plant them later on, and more.

Below are the full details straight from Niantic:

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