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Aside from the Capcom winter sale, there are a number of other notable discounts up on the North American Wii U and 3DS eShops. We’ve rounded up quite a number of these below.

Wii U

Another World – 20th Anniversary Edition – $3.20 (was $7.99)
Armillo – $4.99 (was $7.99)
Costume Quest 2 – $4.99 (was $14.99)
Canvaleon – $6.95 (was $9.95)
Darksiders II – $7.99 (was $39.99)
Legend of Kay Anniversary – $12.99 (was $24.99)
Life of Pixel – $4.99 (was $9.99)
Little Inferno – $4.99 (was $9.99)
Lone Survivor: The Director’s Cut – $1.99 (was $12.99)
Human Resource Machine – $7.99 (was $9.99)
Mighty Switch Force! Hyper Drive Edition – $4.99 (was $9.99)
Mighty Switch Force! 2 – $2.99 (was $5.99)
Momonga Pinball Adventures – $2.99 (was $5.99)
Nova-111 – $4.49 (was $14.99)
OlliOlli – $2.99 (was $9.99)
Pumped BMX+ – $4.99 (was $9.99)
Roving Rogue – $3.99 (was $7.99)
Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse – $9.99 (was $19.99)
Shovel Knight – $9.99 (was $14.99)
Slender: The Arrival – $5.99 (was $9.99)
Stealth Inc 2 – $3.33 (was $9.99)
Swords & Soldiers II – $13.99 (was $19.99)
Tengami – $4.99 (Was $9.99)
Toto Temple Deluxe – $5.99 (was $9.99)
The Swapper – $2.99 (was $19.99)
The Swindle – $8.99 (was $14.99)
Thomas Was Alone – $1.99 (was $10.99)


AeternoBlade – $4.99 (was $14.99)
Another World – 20th Anniversary Edition – $3.20 (was $7.99)
Attack on Titan: Humanity in Chains – $19.99 (was $29.99)
Coaster Creator 3D – $4.99 (was $9.99)
Cube Creator 3D – $4.99 (was $7.99)
Excave – $2.49 (was $4.99)
Fractured Soul – $2.39 (was $11.99)
Gunslugs 2 – $1.99 (was $4.99)
Hazumi – $1.49 (Was $2.99)
KORG DSN-12 – $19.00 (was $37.00)
KORG M01D – $17.00 (was $34.00)
Mighty Switch Force! – $2.99 (was $5.99)
Mighty Switch Force! 2 – $2.99 (was $5.99)
Proun+ – $1.99 (was $4.99)
Rage of the Gladiator – $2.99 (was $6.99)
Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse – $9.99 (was $19.99)
Shovel Knight – $9.99 (was $14.99)
Steel Empire – $15.99 (was $29.99)
Zombie Panic in Wonderland DX – $4.99 (was $8.00)



Capcom has just kicked off a new sale on the North American eShops in celebration of the holidays. Various titles have been discounted for both Wii U and 3DS.

Wii U

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate – $13.59 (was $39.99)
Ducktales Remastered – $5.99 (was $14.99)
Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara – $5.99 (was $14.99)
Resident Evil: Revelations – $9.99 (was $39.99)


Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate – $23.99 (was $39.99)
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy – $19.99 (was $29.99)
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies – $14.99 (was $29.99)
Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition – $4.99 (was $19.99)
Resident Evil: Revelations – $4.99 (was $19.99)
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate – $13.59 (was $39.99)
Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D – $4.99 (was $19.99)

* Note: today’s Nintendo Download PR mentioned Super Street Fighter II Turbo Revival as a game on sale, but it has no discount (at least at the moment).

These prices are valid until 8:59 AM PT / 11:59 PM ET on January 1.

Source: Wii U/3DS eShops

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The Legend of Legacy is currently on sale over on Amazon The RPG has been discounted to $26, down from the original $40 asking price. You’ll save $14 with a purchase.

Atlus’ latest 3DS discounts have gone up on the North American eShop. Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan is down to $9.99, and Etrian Mystery Dungeon is $19.99. These prices are valid until 8:59 AM PT / 11:59 AM ET on January 4.


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Update (12/20): Bumped to the top. Two more amiibo deals for you! Tom Nook is $9, and Mabel is $10.

Amazon is selling five amiibo or $10 each. Along with Zero Suit Samus which we mentioned a couple of days ago, you can also grab Ganondorf, Inkling Boy, Inkling Girl, and Zelda for the same price.

And if that wasn’t enough, there are a couple of amiibo deals running on Walmart as well. The Modern Mario amiibo and Classic version are $10 each. When purchased together, you can grab them for just $15 (scroll down towards the bottom on either page).

A trio of Nintendo-published titles are $10 off over on Amazon. Yo-kai Watch, Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon, and Zelda: Tri Force Heroes are each $30 currently. These three aren’t immediately available, but can be ordered at that price.

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Xenoblade Chronicles X is down to $50 on Amazon. If you purchase the game now, you’ll save $10. Xenoblade Chronicles X won’t be in stock until December 25, but you can still get an order in!

Thanks to MikeW for the tip.

The Animal Crossing amiibo 3-pack is now at its lowest price yet. It was originally being sold for $35, but it’s now down to $25. Place an order here if interested.

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The Zero Suit Samus amiibo is currently on sale over on Amazon. Like all of the Smash Bros. figures, the original asking price was $13. It can now be yours for only $10.

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GameStop has significant savings on its exclusive Zelda statues. We’re not sure how long the sale will last, but the Skyward Sword Link statue is down to $29.99 from $79.99. The Scervo statue has also been reduced from $124.99 to $49.99.

Another Nintendo sale comes from Amazon rather than GameStop.
Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival is now at its lowest price, as you can purchase a copy for $40 rather than $60.

Thanks to kevisawesome123 for the tip.

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