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Splatoon 2

Last week’s Nintendo Direct was packed with Splatoon 2 news, including what’s to come in future updates. Three more stages will be added in the months ahead.

The Japanese Splatoon 2 Twitter accounts confirms that Piranha Pit will be up first at the end of March. Camp Trigger Fish will follow in late April. Finally, Wahoo World will be out at the beginning of June.

We also have these screenshots of the stages:

Thanks to m_t for the tip.



Splatoon 2

Famitsu conducted a big interview a few months ago, which was recently posted online. The magazine interviewed the following developers:

– Producer Hisashi Nogami
– Director Yusuke Amano
– Director / art director Seita Inoue
– Director and lead programmer Shintaro Sato
– Sound director Toru Minegishi

In the interview, the various team members touched on a bunch of different topics, including the approach to rolling out new content, the matching system and ranks, NPCs, and much more. We have a summary of the discussion below.

Splatoon 2 added in its latest weapon tonight, the H-3 Nozzlenose D. See it in action through the gameplay video below.


It’s the end of the week, which means another weapon addition to Splatoon 2. This time, it’s the H-3 Nozzlenose D, which comes with the Suction Bombs sub-weapon and the Ink Armor special. It’ll be available tomorrow around noon in Japan and Australia, early in the morning in Europe and later tonight in North America.



Nintendo has announced the next Splatfest for Splatoon 2 that will be held in Japan next week.

For this event, Nintendo wants to know what players prefer: the latest model or the most popular model. It’s being done in collaboration with Nike, a company known for footwear and more.

The new Splatfest kicks off in Japan on March 24 at 3 PM. It’ll last for a full day, with the results coming soon after.



Splatoon 2 - Rank X

Several notable announcements were made for Splatoon 2 during last week’s Nintendo Direct. One of these was Rank X, an extreme rank even higher than S+.

Over on the official Japanese website today, Nintendo provided new information about Rank X. Get the full rundown below, courtesy of frozenpandaman.

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Splatoon 2

A new update has just gone out for Splatoon 2. The latest patch is version 2.3.2.

Splatoon 2’s latest update is only intended to address a few issues. Nintendo’s patch notes are as follows:

Among lots of other things, Splatoon’s version update 3.0, which will be available in April, will bring with it new music. Specifically, the in-game band Chirpy Chips (or ABXY, as they are known in the Japanese version) will have two new songs that can play during multiplayer matches, “Chip Damage” and “Battery Full”. Check out previews of both songs below:



The official Splatoon Twitter account has tweeted a bit about the upcoming Octo Expansion for Splatoon 2. Most of it is a recap of what we already knew from the latest Nintendo Direct, but there were a few new details in there as well.

One tweet mentions that there are “over 80” levels in the Octo Expansion – the reveal trailer seemed to indicate that there 80 exactly. You will also get support from Pearl and Marina. Specifically, they will allow you to skip stages and get straight to the story. It’s not clear yet if this is some kind of limit to this or if will be able to do it as often as you want.

Finally, it’s been confirmed that there will be no gameplay differences between inklings and octolings in multiplayer, and that they share the same gear.



Another Splatfest in Splatoon has come to an end. The latest event was particularly interesting as the same theme was held in both North America and Europe, and the results were combined.

Nintendo asked players what came first: the chicken or the egg. Team Egg was more popular, but Team Chicken had a higher winning percentage for both solo and team battles. Because of that, Team Egg prevailed by a score of 2 – 1.


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