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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Everyone’s favorite pink puffball not named Jigglypuff is the focus of today’s Super Smash Blog update:

Kirby’s ability to copy other fighters is totally unique! While he is light and can be launched easily, he has great recovery. Look for his new Stone transformation, too.


Today’s Super Smash Blog update is once again a look at a returning veteran, Marth:

Marth is an exceptional swordfighter with a long reach. He’ll do the most damage with attacks using the tip of his sword, so spacing is an important factor.


The final Super Smash Blog update for this week is another look at a returning veteran: Pokemon Trainer.

Pokémon Trainer returns with Squirtle, Ivysaur and Charizard. You can choose to play as a male or female trainer!


We’ve got two Super Smash Blog updates today. First up is an assist trophy: Krystal from the Star Fox series.

Here’s her introduction:

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Each year when E3 rolls around, it’s accompanied by increased activity at retailers like GameStop. Switch in particular put in work there.

GameStop VP of merchandising Eric Bright mentioned to GamesIndustry that Switch sales doubled during E3 week. Titles like Smash Bros. Ultimate were also highly pre-ordered.

The Smash Bros. Blog has updated with its latest entry for Smash Bros. Ultimate. This time around, the Kongo Falls stage gets the focus.

Here’s an introduction:

Nintendo has posted the next piece of music from Smash Bros. Ultimate. Below we have “City Trial”, a theme taken from Kirby Air Ride.

Noriyuki Iwadare was behind the arrangement. Iwadare has worked on a ton of games throughout his career as a composer, including Space Invaders, Grandia, the Ace Attorney series, Kid Icarus: Uprising, and many more.

Another somewhat unexciting Super Smash Blog update today; it’s a look at the returning veteran Falco:

He’s a talented aerial fighter with amazing jumping ability, but Falco is a bit slower on the ground. His Final Smash is an all-out attack using an unorthodox formation of Arwings!


We’re ending the week of Super Smash Blog updates once again with a look at a returning veteran, Donkey Kong:

His charged punch is one of the strongest attacks in the game! In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, his Final Smash has been updated from Konga Beat to a flurry of punches!


The Smash Bros. Blog has updated with its latest entry for Smash Bros. Ultimate. This time around, two Pokemon are introduced.

Here’s the rundown on Lunala and Solgaleo plus screenshots:

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