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The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

In addition to Super Metroid, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past also launched on the European 3DS eShop today as a New 3DS Virtual Console game. You can view 10 minutes of off-screen footage in the video below.

VIZ Media has uploaded the entire video for the Zelda: A Link to the Past graphic novel panel at San Diego Comic Con 2015. Check it out below.

VIZ Media has announced a special panel for San Diego Comic-Con 2015. At the expo next month, attendees will be able to visit a session dedicated to the Zelda: A Link to the Past graphic novel.

Here’s the full overview of the panel:

Zelda fans are invited to take up their Master Swords and join VIZ Media staff and special guests for a celebration of one of the most acclaimed video games of all time, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. VIZ Media will provide a special behind-the-scenes look at the return of the classic graphic novel that was originally featured in Nintendo Power magazine int he 90s and will also answer questions and give out a fun array of Zelda prizes.

VIZ Media’s Zelda: A Link to the Past graphic novel panel will be held on July 11 at 1:30 PM.


Gaming Boulevard has provided another look at the recently-released Zelda: A Link to the Past comic. Actually, you’ll be able to see all of the pages in full.

Last week, Viz Media reprinted the Zelda: A Link to the Past comic that was featured in Nintendo Power over two decades ago. GameXplain has now posted a video showing a look at the graphic novel, which is posted below.

One fan has gone to the trouble of remaking the map from The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past in HTML5. The entire map can be accessed through your browser at this link. It’s definitely impressive – you can even see NPCs and enemies going about their business!


Podcast Crew: Austin (Twitter), Jack (Twitter), Laura (Twitter)

There was a Nintendo Direct today! Do you want to hear some people talk about it? Well, this isn’t really the podcast for that, but we do talk plenty about games, why they’re good, why they’re bad, and why you should play them. Because we love games.

We love game news. But we mostly love games.


1) Intros, hello, what to expect
2) Picture of the Day (new segment)
3) Game of the Week: Tetris 2!
4) Personal Grievance Time (PGT)

What we played

5) Austin takes a key for coming in. (Super Ghouls n Ghosts)
6) Laura finds love again, and again, and again. (Fire Emblem: Awakening)
7) Jack tries emulating N64, and realizes it sucks.

Shenanigans Redux

9) Check out that handshake. (Nintendo and DeNa and Zelda delay, the only timely segment)

Book Club

10) A Link to the Past – Book Club FINALE
11) And the Master Sword sleeps again… FOREVER! (Final Thoughts)

Final Shenanigans

12) Tetris 2 quiz!
13) Ending.

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Podcast Crew: Austin (Twitter), Jack (Twitter), Laura (Twitter)

We’ve finally upgraded to enhanced podcasts! Whenever we reference an image during the show, look at your podcast application and it should display the image we’re talking about if it supports the AAC version of the show. You can also head over to to view the gallery there if you prefer.

Welcome to episode 106 I mean episode 111. How are you? I’m okay. I hope you’re okay too. Here’s an overview of what we’ll be talking about on this episode:

Have you always wondered what people loved about The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past? One of the things is how the game structures its quests, and that topic is the one we’ll focus on during our book club segment this week. If you have thoughts on this topic, or A Link to the Past in general, send them our way!(nintendoeverythingpodcast(at)gmail(dot)com)


1. Game of the Week (Yoshi)
2. The History of Star Fox’s Voice Acting (Star Fox series)
3. Malaura’s Mask Continues (Majora’s Mask)
4. Crunchier Cereal for All (Animal Crossing: New Leaf)
5. Laura fits one more game in (Wii Fit U)
6. Jack finds puzzle love (Picross e5)
7. Rekindling an old love (Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon)
8. You’ve never heard of SWERY? (D4)
9. Site features!
10. A Link to the Past Book Club – Week 5
11. D4 Music Break
12. Year of the Saxophone
13. Listener Mail – Start
14. Is Phoenix Wright fun? Of course!
15. It was bound to happen eventually.
16. Do we like Sin & Punishment? Will it ever get another sequel?
17. Trading games for things.
18. Yoshi Quiz Show!

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Podcast Crew: Austin (Twitter), Jack (Twitter), Laura (Twitter)

Welcome to episode 106 I mean episode 109. How are you? I’m okay. I hope you’re okay too. Here’s an overview of what we’ll be talking about on this episode:

Segment 1, Intro: Star Tropics makes its first appearance on this podcast, and we discuss some cool tidbits about its development and how it’s similar to Metal Gear Solid in a certain respect.

Segment 2, What We Played: Austin gives his impressions of the New 3DS XL, Laura waxes poetic and tells a story from her time with Majora’s Mask 3D, and Jack updates us on chemistry, computer science, and other collegiate affairs.

Segment 3, Book Club: Our next week of the A Link to the Past book club creates a rift that eventually morphs into a learning experience for everyone involved! Jack likes the Dark Palace and dislikes the Swamp Palace, but Laura and Austin think the opposite! Some interesting notes about Zelda temple design in this segment.

Segment 4, Listener Mail: Listener mails brings about a particularly interesting topic this week: Are 2D Zelda games really just gimped versions of 3D Zelda games? Are they just a stopgap between the “real” Zelda games? We don’t go quite as in-depth as I’d like to someday, but it’s a fascinating idea.

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Most of you don’t listen to our podcast, but if you did, you would know that we’ll be restarting the podcast-tied “Book Club” again all about the video game The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. If you’ve never heard of or participated in a book club, it’s pretty much what it sounds like: We all play a game at sort of the same pace, and every week we discuss in detail that week’s goings on in the game on “Here’s a Podcast”.

You can share your thoughts on the second part of the game using the Google Form below, or feel free to post a comment. Remember, we aren’t looking for general thoughts on the game– we want thoughts about this particular section of the game! Play along with us, or go based on memory, but we like depth because we love games. Hooray!

We’ll select a few of your guys’ thoughts to read on the podcast and help spur further discussion, so leave a name and location if you like.

For this week: From getting the Master Sword, through the second Dark World temple. I think it’s the water place.

Tell us your thoughts with this easy and handy form!

Or head over to the forums!


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