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THQ Nordic

THQ Nordic Nintendo Switch sale Epic Mickey

Multiple THQ Nordic games for Nintendo Switch are now on sale at their lowest prices ever via the eShop, including Epic Mickey: Rebrushed, Darksiders 3, Wreckfest, and more. Fans can save on around a dozen games here.

For a look at the complete list of games on sale, continue on below.

Epic Mickey Rebrushed sales

THQ Nordic recently shared an update on sales of Epic Mickey: Rebrushed, which seem to be off to a slow start.

The company provided a small note about the game’s performance in its latest financial report. THQ Nordic simply said the following: “Disney Epic Mickey: Rebrushed, late in the quarter, was well received by players but initial digital sales were slower than expected.” No specific figures were given.

Epic Mickey Rebrushed update 1.0.4

If you’re playing Epic Mickey: Rebrushed on Nintendo Switch, you should see that a new version 1.0.4 update is now available.

No new content is included, but there are a handful of improvements. Purple Lamp has spruced up the audio, spelling, and localization. On top of that, various bugs have been squashed.

SpongeBob SquarePants game 2025

THQ Nordic has teased a new SpongeBob SquarePants game set to release in 2025.

Actual details have not been shared at the time. In fact, we only know about THQ Nordic’s plans as the company included a note at the end of a just-released “SpongeBob SquarePants Halloween Gaming” trailer that states: “SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom – Rehydrated… SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake… and… an all-new adventure awaits”. Text for 2025 was included alongside SpongeBob and Patrick turning into ghosts.


Epic Mickey Rebrushed update 1.0.3

THQ Nordic and Purple Lamp have issued one of the first updates for Epic Mickey: Rebrushed. On Switch, it should show as version 1.0.3.

The update includes improvements across the board. Purple Lamp made fixes to graphics, audio, and more.

Trine Ultimate Collection

VGP is launching the exclusive Trine Ultimate Collection Switch physical release, the retailer has announced.

All four games in the series will be sold on a single cartridge. The first three games were previously available as a GameStop exclusive, but that now goes for over $200 on the reseller market. Trine 4 was also sold physically by itself and in a bundle with the previous three games which were downloads. To reiterate, this is the first time that all of the game will be available together physically.

For those playing Epic Mickey: Rebrushed and looking to easily get E-tickets, we’ve got you covered with a helpful farm guide.

Compared to other 3D platformers, there’s a much higher emphasis on money in Epic Mickey: Rebrushed. Most of the major areas, namely Mean Street and Ventureland, contain shops that sometimes stock fairly expensive items. For the most part, the game is somewhat stingy with its E-tickets. You’ll find them scattered around hidden inside breakable objects, but this actually isn’t enough for you to comfortably afford most of the items you’ll want to get. We found a surprisingly simple (and effective) way to farm E-tickets in a pinch, so if you’re short on cash, you’ve come to the right place.

Epic Mickey Rebrushed 100 percent completion

If you’re looking to 100 percent complete the recently-released Epic Mickey: Rebrushed – first, that’s a big challenge, but second, we’ve compiled a list of all the criteria you’ll need to fulfill plus some tips on getting to full completion. You’re definitely in for the long haul with this one – there are well over 200 well-hidden collectibles, and you’ll need to finish at least three separate playthroughs of the game to get them all. Here’s our Epic Mickey: Rebrushed 100 percent completion checklist.

Epic Mickey Rebrushed trailer

Epic Mickey: Rebrushed debuts today, and we have a new launch trailer. After originally appearing on Wii, the game has been reborn with this remake.

Below is an official overview, as provided by the eShop listing:

Epic Mickey Rebrushed review

System: Switch
Release date: September 24, 2024
Developer: Purple Lamp
Publisher: THQ Nordic

I’ve had a 2010 Wii copy of Epic Mickey sitting on my shelf for years, and as much as I had intended to experience Warren Spector’s twisted Mickey Mouse tale well before this point, for one reason or another I’ve just never gotten around to it. In this case, my patience definitely paid off. Developer Purple Lamp – who is quickly garnering a positive reputation for their work in the 3D platforming space – has invested considerable effort to free this ambitious game from the Wii’s limitations and make it accessible to modern audiences. While the Switch version of Disney Epic Mickey: Rebrushed has some disappointing performance issues here and there, overall, this remake is a stunning effort that deserves to be experienced by fans of both Disney and platformers alike.

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