Xenoblade Chronicles X E3 2014 trailer
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Videos, Wii U | 2 Comments
More: Monolith Soft, X, Xenoblade Chronicles X
X screenshots
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Screenshots, Wii U | 7 Comments
More: Monolith Soft, top, X
First uncut footage of Monolith Soft’s X
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News | 0 comments
More: Monolith Soft, Nintendo Direct, top, X
Soraya Saga retweets today’s Nintendo Direct news
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Wii U | 29 Comments
Update 3: Masahiro Sakurai has now retweeted the announcement. Make of that what you will!
Update 2: Davis has now clarified that his tweet was posted without any knowledge of tomorrow’s proceedings. At least that’s one “mystery” solved!
Update: I’ll also mention in passing that the Nintendo Direct news has been retweeted by a couple of folks at PlatinumGames, and Next Level Games’ Brian Davis has also posted about the presentation. I’m not too sure how much we should read into Davis’ tweet, but it’s interesting to see that two prominent Platinum staffers have retweeted the Nintendo Direct announcement.
Original: Does the title above seem similar? It should. When Soraya Saga (Tetsuya Takahashi’s wife) last retweeted news regarding Nintendo Direct, it was for Nintendo’s E3 2013 presentation – and when we last saw “X”.
Saga has once again retweeted news about Nintendo Direct, this time for tomorrow’s broadcast. It’s sparking speculation that X will be making an appearance during the upcoming presentation.
Nintendo did say earlier that tomorrow’s event will focus on games releasing before the end of spring. But perhaps they’ll take the time to show a new trailer for X as well? Maybe, maybe not. Keep those expectations in check, as Nintendo hasn’t specifically mentioned which titles will be shown.
More: Nintendo Direct, Soraya Saga, X
[Review] Pokémon X & Y
Posted on 11 years ago by Patrick(@Patricklous) in 3DS, 3DS eShop, Features, Reviews | 3 Comments
System: Nintendo 3DS
Release Date: October 12th, 2013
Developer: Game Freak
Publisher: Nintendo/The Pokémon Company
Author: Patrick
By this point I shouldn’t have to explain what this long-running RPG series is about. The coming of age story of an adventurous kid and their menagerie of bizarre monsters has been constantly repeated over the last fifteen years with a very gradual evolution in the gameplay. While I enjoyed Pokémon Black, White and their sequels, the lack of meaningful mechanical changes that came with staying on one console for too long started to set in and I was hopeful that X & Y would breath new life into some of the staler aspects of the series. Now that the series finally makes the jump to the 3DS, does it manage to revitalise the franchise with new features while still capturing the same je ne sais quoi as the other titles? Well I think it does, at least.