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WayForward published an extended launch trailer for Shantae: Half-Genie Hero today. The game is out now digitally on the eShop, with the retail version following next week. View the video below.

Additional footage of Shantae: Half-Genie Hero has come in specifically showing the Wii U version. Get a look at 40 minutes of gameplay below.

Shantae: Half-Genie Hero is nearly here on Wii U. To download the game, you’ll need 1,634 MB of free space.

Most Kickstarter backers actually already have access to Shantae: Half-Genie Hero. The digital version launches on December 20, followed by the retail release a week later.

Thanks to Andrew for the tip.


Translating Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns is no simple task for XSEED Games. The title has two million characters – more than any game before it in the series. The last Story of Seasons title contained 1.7 million characters by comparison.

That’s just one tidbit of information from XSEED’s first localization blog on Trio of Towns. Hit up the full thing here for insight into how the publisher is approaching the translation process, overviews of the towns, and more.

WayForward previously announced that Shantae: Half-Genie Hero would be launching on December 20. The retail version will follow one week later on December 27, XSEED Games announced today.

Shantae: Half-Genie Hero is coming to retail as the “Risky Beats Edition”. It includes a copy of the game along with a musical selections CD containing 30 songs from the soundtrack.

We’ve included the latest trailer below.

Source: XSEED PR

After several delays, we finally have a confirmed release date for Shantae: Half-Genie Hero. The game will release digitally for Wii U on December 20th in both Europe and North America.

Made public in a Kickstarter update, WayForward shared the news and noted that retail versions are still on the way.

If you’re curious about the retail versions, look to Xseed for an announcement shortly! Spread the word! Half-Genie Hero is just a couple of weeks away!

Furthermore, for those who backed the game on Kickstarter and are waiting for their Backer codes, WayForward had this to say:

Shantae: Half-Genie Hero is out now, but only for a select group. Those who backed the game at the Early Access reward tier on Kickstarter received a PC code for the final version a couple of days ago. A massive amount of Shantae: Half-Genie Hero footage can be found below.

GameXplain host posted a video containing 15 minutes of footage from Shantae: Half-Genie Hero. View the gameplay below.

Shantae: Half-Genie Hero may finally have a release date – at least in Europe. An eShop listing has the game down for December 20. It will cost €16.99.

Here’s the listing in question:

WayForward hasn’t said anything official about Shantae: Half-Genie Hero’s release date, but we know that it’s coming very soon. It wouldn’t be surprising at all to hear that December 20 is final. If WayForward says anything new or if we receive some North American news, we’ll let you know.


Footage has come in specifically showing the Wii U version of Exile’s End, which launched this week on the eShop. View the video below.

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