[EVENT] Extra Life 2013 – The 24-Hour Gaming Marathon for Charity LIVE!
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features, General Gaming, Site updates, Videos | 1 Comment
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Ah yes, it is that time of year again– time to start preparing and setting up our participation in Extra Life 2013! Last year we participated for the first time ever and managed to play video games for 24 hours straight while people watched us live over the internet. This year, it’s going to be the same deal only BIGGER, BADDER, and BETTER than ever! So, here’s the low-down:
What is Extra Life? What have you gotten yourselves into this time?
Extra Life is a charity organization that is most famous for setting up a global 24-hour gaming marathon that has gamers attempting to play any game– board game, video game, card game, etc– for 24 hours straight without stopping. Anyone can participate, and your fundraising goal can be any amount you want– don’t hesitate to sign up yourself if you think you can get a few friends or family members to pitch in a couple bucks.
100% of the money goes to the charity, and it’s used to purchase video games and consoles for kids who are chronically ill or otherwise have to stay in hospitals for extended periods. The games are meant to help take their minds off of what they may be going through, which I’m sure many of you who have spent time in a hospital can relate to!
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[Feautre] Eggbusters – Metroid Prime REDUX
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Eggbusters, Features | 0 comments
This week on Eggbusters: It’s Metroid Prime again! If any game showcases exactly what we love about the way Nintendo makes games, it’s Metroid Prime. Ambitious, tight, focused, and expansive. Mmmmm. Two glitches from that game this week. Enjoy.
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Reader Poll #27 – Did you or someone you know buy a Wii U for Wind Waker HD?
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Uncategorized | 0 comments

Link looks so sad. This isn’t really related.
This is a survey that requires no signing up, accounts, clicking through ads, or anything. Just answer a required question, answer a non-required question (if you want) and make your voice heard in yet another NintendoEverything reader survey poll thing! Results will be read in the form of our top ten list on the next podcast! Thanks very much.
Thanks very much. As stated above the topic for you guys this week is Wind Waker HD and your buying habits! Check out three small questions in there.
Masuda says he usually thinks each Pokemon game he works on will be his last
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in 3DS, General Nintendo, News | 0 comments

– Pokémon series producer Junichi Masuda
Masuda also spoke on a whole bunch of other topics in his interview with The Guardian. Check it out at the link below.
The Guardian via ONM
Mega-Man/Mighty No. 9 creator Keiji Inafune says “if any creator has not played Mario, then they’re probably not a good creator”, shares fondness for the series
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in 3DS, General Gaming, General Nintendo, News, Podcast Stories, Wii U | 15 Comments

“I have total respect for Miyamoto, to the point where… It’s very strange that there are national cultural treasures – they’re traditionally sportsmen. I think it’s very strange that somebody as famous as Miyamoto hasn’t been designated one of those people. He’s talked about in all different countries. Lots of people know him. He’s pushed forward Japanese culture and interest in Japan all over the world. He’s somebody that deserves everyone’s ultimate respect, and a lot of that is due to being able to create Mario. And Super Mario Bros. 3, of course, within that, was a fantastic game.”
– Keiji Inafune
This quote comes as part of a large Super Mario related feature that IGN is putting together where many gaming-industry personalities– Greg Miller, Cliffy B, and Ted Price, for example. You can check that out here.
Pokemon X/Y – Torchic distribution event announced
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in News | 1 Comment
The first distribution event for Pokemon X/Y has been confirmed. Below are the details:
– Event lasts from Oct. 12th, 2013 to Jan. 15, 2014
– Distributed inside Cherish Ball
– Level 10
– Holds Blazikenite Stone
– Moves: Scratch, Growl, Focus Energy, Ember
– Speed Boost Ability
– Has Premier Ribbon
– Random nature
All you need to do in order to obtain Torchic is connect your 3DS to the internet. Simple as that!
Here’s a Podcast – Episode 61!
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features, Podcast | 2 Comments
So strange. So fantastic.
If you enjoy EarthBound, this is the episode for you. Most of it was regular “Here’s a Podcast” nonsense, but the last 45 minutes were dedicated to discussing that esoteric and beloved 1994 game from designer Shigesato Itoi, and I think it was an extremely fitting tribute. WWP includes Kerbal Space Program, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies, and Harvest Moon/Rune Factory 4; listener mail includes some stuff I cant’t remember.
This Week’s Podcast Crew: AUSITN AND LAURA AND JACK
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[Video Feature] Eggbusters – Sonic Adventure 2: Battle
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Eggbusters, Features, Videos | 1 Comment
This is perhaps the only third party game that has been as highly requested as several first party Nintendo titles, and now– courtesy of Jack– we can finally do it! Hopefully we didn’t screw up the one episode you really wanted to watch if you’re a Sonic Adventure 2: Battle fan.
[REVIEW] Rune Factory 4 (3DS)
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in 3DS, Features, Reviews | 1 Comment

System: Nintendo 3DS
Release Date: October 1st, 2013 (NE), Q1 2014 (EU)
Developer: Neverland Co.
Publisher: XSEED Games (NA), Marvelous AQL (EU)
Author: Austin
There’s an implicit warning to the player the moment they start up Rune Factory 4, and it goes something like this:
“I really hope you like anime.”
Yes, the first thing you’ll lay eyes upon after clicking the game’s icon on the 3DS’ home menu is a fully animated music video where anime-styled characters are introduced and a Japanese woman sings a wonderfully cliché (in a good way, I might argue) tune in the background. If you had seen the video without any context, you may as well have assumed it was the theme song to a TV show or the title sequence of a film– and depending on who you are, that might be a joyous setting of stage for a game. Regardless, this opening is actually a very serviceable measuring stick for whether or not Rune Factory 4 will tickle your fancy.
Beyond that outer aesthetic layer, though, there’s a lot to Rune Factory 4: Players will be asked to tend crops, foster relationships (both romantic and platonic), tackle dungeons, learn to cook, forge items, take up chemistry– the list of activities, superficially, is extremely long. Quantity does not equate to quality though, and in the case of Rune Factory 4, the quality does prove somewhat unstable.
Oddworld Inhabitants speaks on the possibility of new Oddworld games, says there are “two different possibilities”
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in General Gaming, News, Wii U | 0 comments

“Most of my time today is going into designing new product, but our bandwidth is stretched. So I’m designing a lot of things – two major things. Now I’m not sure which will get started first. If we have the success of New ‘n’ Tasty … let’s say if we can do a million units of New ‘n’ Tasty – I don’t know if that’s completely unrealistic or not because we don’t have advertising money, we don’t have a big publisher pushing it. I think Sony will help us expose it. I think it will be a quality game, but it’s not trying to be Destiny, right?
– Oddworld co-founder and president Lorne Lanning