NintendoEverything Reader Poll #13 – Which game(s) is your Wii U “system seller”?
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features, Wii U | 0 comments

So many great games… but most of them aren’t out yet!
This is a two question survey that requires no signing up, accounts, clicking through ads, or anything. Just answer a required question, answer a non-required question (if you want) and make your voice heard in yet another NintendoEverything reader survey poll thing! Results will be read in the form of our top ten list on the next podcast, and if you opted to answer the written question your answer could be read on the show! So don’t say anything ridiculous.
Thanks very much. As stated above the question for you guys this week is “Which game(s) is your Wii U “system seller”?”
Note of Unfortunateness: No podcast tonight!
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Site updates | 0 comments
Sorry gang, despite our best efforts to organize a podcast for this weekend things just didn’t work! We may have to skip the week entirely, but with any luck we can do a Monday or a Tuesday episode. Fingers crossed! If you submitted a question, answered our reader poll, or offered up commentary on Super Mario RPG for the Book Club we’ll still use it as planned– it’ll just be later on in the week. From Laura, Jack, and myself, many apologies!
There is a silver lining though: I worked out our issues with our podcast hosting service and all retro episodes (from episode 11 onward– none of the awful early junk) will be available starting later tonight, with a few exceptions for files I no longer have. We’re missing episodes 16, 25, and 32. If anyone has those files, let me know so I can get them from you and upload them back to our servers!
‘Armageddon Operation Dragon’ announced for DSiWare – Trailer
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in DSiWare, News, Videos | 0 comments
Armageddon Operation Dragon is a new title in the works for DSiWare. You can expect the following features from the downloadable game:
32 levels (4 planets with 8 levels each).
Runner playability.
Touch control and easy handling.
Amazing, innovative graphics.
Local ranking.
[NintendoEverything Review] LEGO City Undercover
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features, Podcast Stories, Reviews, Wii U, Wii U eShop | 0 comments

Author: Laura
People have been waiting for the bigger Wii U titles to come out, but there hasn’t been much to hold us over. Mario and Pikmin are big names but are they unique and deep enough to fill the hole in our hearts? Well, okay, of course! But I believe LEGO City also does just that; it has hours and hours of game playtime and will keep you distracted with a vast open world while we continue to wait to more releases.
[Feature] How fast is the Wii U after its latest update? Here are some numbers.
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features, Podcast Stories, Wii U | 0 comments

I think the improved load times are what the majority of Wii U owners are looking forward to the most with the Spring update that was just released, and if you’re still waiting for the thing to download/install, you’re someone without a Wii U who wants to see if Nintendo made good on their promise, or you’re just curious what the actual numbers are, I’ve got you covered. All figures are listed in seconds.
Here’s the breakdown:
More Link to the Past sequel comments from Aonuma on Miiverse
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in 3DS, News | 0 comments

More comments from Eiji Aonuma have come in through Miiverse pertaining to Zelda: A Link to the Past’s sequel on 3DS. He talked essentially about the vision behind the game and and how development is going without giving anything mind-blowing away:
“The day we’ll be seeing the successor is still further ahead, but for those of you who wish to contribute or show your support, please comment on the Wii U The Legend of Zelda series community [on Miiverse].”
– Eiji Aonuma, The Legend of Zelda series producer
Aonuma suggested that the game has been in the works since 2011 in a recent Japanese Nintendo Direct, which would indicate a 2 year development cycle for the game. The most recent handheld Zelda title– The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks— came out on DS in 2009.
Mass Effect writer confirms he’s writing for the new game in the series, says most folks probably didn’t mind the ending to ME3
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in General Nintendo, News, Wii U | 0 comments

– Mass Effect series writer Mac Walters
Walters also shared that he believed most players did not have a problem with the ending to Mass Effect 3, but rather a smaller group of very loud individuals took to the internet and caused something of a ruckus about it. I think some folks might disagree with that, but who knows… maybe those folks are part of the minority he’s talking about!?
The Little Battlers Wars – Platoon details
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in 3DS, Images, News | 0 comments
The Little Battlers Wars will be released b Level-5 in Japan later this year, and today we’ve learned a bit more about the various platoons (and the characters within them) that will be in this game. Details here, with images of the characters linked from their names:
Second Platoon
– Captain Gendo Isogai is a calm character who doesn’t speak much
– Excellent leader, well-trusted
– Isogai’s butler, Renjirou Ayabe, is always by his side
– Taiga Hamasaki and Seiryu Kishikawa are the players of the Second Platoon
– Rinko Namina is the platoon’s mechanic
Capcom cancels several unannounced titles, some of which were planned for this fiscal year
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in General Gaming, News | 0 comments

– Capcom Financial Q&A Response
Of course they can’t talk about what those titles were, but the speculation about what games we may have seen in future years is probably already rampant across the internet. Capcom says they’ll still be developing console games as a core part of their business, but there will be a bigger focus on DLC going forward compared to years past.
NintendoEverything Book Club (for Video Games!) – Week 3 Details
Posted on 11 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Book Club, Features, Site updates | 0 comments

I think this week is going to be the best one so far, because the discussions we had on our latest podcast episode really kicked me into gear for thinking more intellectually as I play, and noticing more things I hadn’t initially. If you want to play along and discuss during the week, check out our forum thread here. If you missed out on the first week but you still want to participate, you’re looking at a total of about 8 hours of game-time this week to catch up!
Deadline for email submissions this week: April 27th
Since last week we obtained the second and third Stars (out of seven!) in the game, this week we’ll do our best to get Stars #4 and #5! You should stop as soon as you get to a save point after Star #5. I’m guessing this will take about 3 hours or so. Maybe a little more, so get crackin’!
Also, please do not send us emails discussing portions of the game beyond where the book club is. We want to avoid spoilers and we don’t want to feel unable to answer your questions/respond to your comments, so if you’ve gotten ahead of everyone (which is fine!) do your best to only talk about the parts that we’ve all agreed upon. :]
Hit the break for info on how to participate in a discussion, plus other ‘Frequently Asked Questions’!