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Mario Kart is the topic of choice for this next podcast’s discussion/list/thing! Vote away, everybody.

This is a two question survey that requires no signing up, accounts, clicking through ads, or anything. Just answer a required question, answer a non-required question (if you want) and make your voice heard in yet another NintendoEverything reader survey poll thing! Results will be read in the form of our top ten list on the next podcast, and if you opted to answer the written question your answer could be read on the show! So don’t say anything ridiculous.

Thanks very much. As stated above the question for you guys this week is “Which ‘Mario Kart’ game do you personally consider to be the best?”

Take the survey here! (more details inside if you’re confused)

Man, this game is looking more and more beautiful (and funny!) every time I see it! Glad it’s probably hitting the Wii U at some point.

Developer of the upcoming Cloudberry Kingdom on Wii U “Pwnee Studios” told Aussie Gamer the other day that Nintendo has been great to work with relating to the development and publishing of their game on the Wii U eShop, and they were “pumped” when they got the chance to bring the game to Nintendo fans.

Nintendo has been great to work with so far! We were raised playing the NES and SNES, so when we got the chance to develop our game for the Wii U, we were pumped! We really haven’t had many issues with Nintendo, and they have been very helpful whenever we have had a problem.

In terms of getting the game onto the eShop, it has gone pretty smoothly. We presented the game to Nintendo, they liked it, and they said we should go onto the eShop. All we had to do was agree!

– Pwnee Studios’ TJ Lutz

One of the more interesting bits of information to come from this is how simple it was to get Nintendo to let them publish the game on the eShop! They simply show off their game (probably to some Nintendo representatives), and the Big N makes the decision themselves based on how cool the game is. I find that to be quite a refreshingly simple way to get a game put out!

Via Nintendo Life

After we heard that Dead Space 3 would give players the ability to pay a few extra bucks for upgrades to weapons, items, and armor in-game, a lot of people were concerned: If EA was bringing this trendy business practice into a truly core franchise like Dead Space, what would games like Madden and The Sims look like in the future? According to the mega-publisher, they’ll look awfully similar:

“The next and much bigger piece [of the business] is microtransactions within games. We’re building into all of our games the ability to pay for things along the way, either to get to a higher level to buy a new character, to buy a truck, a gun, whatever it might be, and consumers are enjoying and embracing that way of the business.”

– EA CFO Blake Jorgensen

I can’t imagine too many gamers are happy about this, but if history is any indication, these things will pass. Such things are trendy now– like social networking interaction– but they don’t represent the core of what the fun of games is about, and they can be ignored. Only when EA starts forcing you to participate in the micro transaction model should you be worried!

Via NowGamer

Following in the footsteps of Skylanders, Disney and PDP have unveiled the very first figurines for their upcoming NFC-based game Disney Infinity, shown above. There are four figures displayed (two from Monsters Inc., two from Cars) and a showcasing stand for them, but PDP says the stand will be able to house multiple toys, the power discs (to get them into the game) and other accessories as well.


Last month we reported on some unfortunate muscle pains that were plaguing Smash Bros. director Masahiro Sakurai, but this month we have some even worse news: Doctors say the issue is more severe than originally thought, and he’ll have to cease using his right arm almost entirely in the coming weeks. Don’t take my word for it, though, here’s Sakurai himself explaining the issue in a weekly blog he writes for Famitsu:

“I think the one word I’ve said the most this year, by far, is ‘Ow!’. Not only am I getting calcific tendonitis, but they’ve also found what are apparently several ruptures in the muscles. There’s no instant cure for it, so all I can do is either block the pain with injections or put my arm in a cast to keep the ruptures from spreading. I was told that the important thing was to keep my arm as rested as possible.”

“If this disorder lingers, or if it never gets fixed, there’s no telling what impact that would have on the project. I’ve had to control two characters at once in a lot of game projects up to now, so as long as I keep it to simple moves, this works well enough. It doesn’t go that easy with the Nintendo 3DS version, though, and the debug camera is pretty hard to control. Still, now I realize how important it is to have your health. I’m glad I’m still in good enough shape to work.”

– Kirby, Smash Bros. Creator Masahiro Sakurai

Well… at least we know the 3DS version has a debug camera now! Best of luck to Sakurai, and I think I speak for a lot of folk when I say I hope he gets better both for Smash Bros. and for his own sake!

Via Polygon

While most had guessed by this point that the upcoming reveal of Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag would be pirate-related, this new discovery (from the same tipster that brought Kotaku the original promotional poster image) cements it. As you can see, the image is a map of Cuba and the surrounding islands as well as a full-view version in the bottom left corner that says “The Coastlands of Florida”.

Whether this is the only location in the game is anyone’s guess, but it will most certainly end up being one of them.

Via Kotaku

If you own Twilight Princess, you will most likely want to try this glitch out. It’s easily the most fruitful one I’ve done so far with Eggbusters, and one that has more possibilities than I could explore even in ten episodes!

Direct transcript of the directions (courtesy of ZeldaWiki) after the break! Artwork courtesy of Andrew Nixon. :]

This podcast brought to you by the wonderful Mighty Switch Force! Hyper Drive Edition, now available on the Wii U eShop for $4.99! But that’s just a sale so it might only be temporary. Also we didn’t get paid to say any of this– we just like the game. Click the image for a soundtrack sample!

Edit: Wow, the audio quality of this podcast was incredible! We’ll definitely keep this new mic setup.

Hey, we made it thirty weeks without missing an episode! That makes this the longest running weekly feature I’ve ever done for NintendoEverything, which I think is quite an achievement. Another good show this week with news, what we played, some nice discussions about Fire Emblem and “second tier” Nintendo games, and a list of the “second tier” Nintendo franchises you all personally consider “first tier”.

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It’s no surprise to anyone that Nintendo doesn’t like folks pirating their games, but in recent years it has come to the attention of the general public that piracy doesn’t seem to have much of an effect on game sales as far as the big picture is concerned– after all, both the gaming industry (Nintendo included) and Hollywood have seen profits skyrocket over the last five or ten years, despite the fact that piracy is more prevalent than ever before– but that doesn’t mean companies like the Big N are going to stop trying to fight piracy in whatever ways they can. This time around, they’re asking the U.S. to target countries like Brazil and China with raids to make examples of folks who share pirated material.

“Nintendo, along with its publishers and developers, is injured by the prevalence and ease of illegal online distribution. In the past few years, the scope of online piracy for Nintendo has grown dramatically. Every month tens of thousands of illegal Nintendo game files are detected on the Internet. The legal environment to limit the flow of these files remains extremely challenging.”

– Nintendo statement

Even Nintendo isn’t immune to silly lapses in logic at times! Not to say piracy isn’t an issue at all– just that they’re doing more than fine (well, save for Wii U sales) even with piracy more rampant than ever. Isn’t that good enough!?

Via TorrentFreak

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