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Remember: every single character in Super Smash Bros. should be getting its own amiibo, so it shouldn’t come as a major surprise that we’re able to see some roster inclusions that don’t have figures yet. Of course, the only way to get access to amiibo like Game & Watch and Duck Hunt is by manipulating the game.

Well, this isn’t good! Smash Bros. fans have managed to find an exploit that allows a team of two Pac-Man players to essentially become untouchable during matches. It’s done with the trampoline move, in which they bounce one another up into the sky. View a video of the exploit above.

Source, Via

Are you not satisfied with the current 3DS game card cases that are available? Then perhaps you’ll think about storing your cartridges in a Godiva assorted chocolate box!

This is about as random as it gets, but the box is apparently quite good at storing 3DS games strangely enough. Up to 16 titles can be held in the box.

Source, Via

It appears the Youtube channel “Nintendo Family Channel” have posted the next episode of their ongoing series “How to Win at Smash”! Click the video above to view.

NeoGAF’s “Celine” has put together a comprehensive roundup of Nintendo data. We have hardware and software data from 1983 all the way up to 2014. Several charts have been made as well.

Some notes:

– Based on shipment data provided by Nintendo itself directly from their site or other reports which used Nintendo data
– Only games published by Nintendo which shipped more than 1 million are presented
– For games released on NES, GB/C,SNES, N64, GBA, GC their LTDs are updated as of December 2006 with a few exception (GC top selling software)
– 4 games released on DS, Wii, 3DS, Wii U their LTDs are updated as of December 2013 or March 2014 (top-selling games are updated as of March 2014)
– Only exception is Mario Kart 8 for which shipment data was taken from July 2014
– Hardware data is shipment provided by Nintendo itself as of March 2014
– Most of these figures can be considered close to definitive with the exception of 3DS and Wii U
– GB contains GBC sales units as the two are considered one single platform by Nintendo
– Every figure is in millions of units
– Includes bundled units and DL units


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Super Smash Bros. director Masahiro Sakurai recently spoke about the inclusion of the Wii Fit Trainer in the new Wii U and 3DS entries.

Sakurai’s words come from the latest issue of Japanese issue Nintendo Dream. You’ll find our translation of the excerpt below.

ND: Not only guest characters were shocking, but Wii Fit Trainer as well. It was a character no one saw coming, right?

MS: Yes, that’s right. Zero, none… (laughs)

(everyone laughs)

Read on below for details concerning Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate’s latest DLC quest in Japan. You’ll also find some screenshots above.

– Features the village chief from Monster Hunter 2 Dos’ Jumbo Village
– No longer a chief in this quest
– Currently an adventurer
– Something recently caught his attention, and he’ll need help from a Hunter
– A bunch of Remobras have been going wild, and they’ve been getting in the way of the former chief’s investigation
– Defeat them to help him out
– Players will face an Elder Dragon that suddenly appeared in Dondruma
– You’ll need to be of G 1-star rank to take on the episode quest


The latest translations from Nintendo Dream’s interview with Masahiro Sakurai cover the inclusion of three characters in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS. We get to hear more about why Sakurai wanted to feature Duck Hunt in the game, as well as the Mii Fighter and the return of Dr. Mario.

The translation in full:

Latest 3DS themes (1/1/15)

Posted on 10 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 3 Comments

Three more themes are now available for purchase in North America. They are as follows:

Tomodachi Life: Speech Balloon
Animal Crossing: New Leaf: K.K. Slider at Club LOL
Pokemon: Slowpoke

Each of these themes are priced at $1.99.


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